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"So what do you think?" The Woman in front of you keeps asking the same question for the 10th time already.

"I.. don't know" you answer sincerely

"If you don't want to help us, please consider my feeling instate, I am very sick and I just hope to have a child before I die, and trust me, after it is done, then I will give you everything you want, even the house," Again she mentioned everything like it is nothing.

A little bit of background story, this young lady who is sitting in front of you right now is literally your boss's wife, your mom has been working for Kim's family for all of her life, up until the very end of her life, therefore as the first born, you are just entitled to actually continued whatever she has done, but this time it is literally out of the box, this lady, a very beautiful lady called Lia has been begging you nonstop to many her husband, and not only that, she want to share her husband with you and hoping you will got pregnant and have a child from her husband, due to her illness from childhood, Lia has diagnoze to be infertilized or she will never have children in her life, and you as the person who she has always recognize whenever she visit your good looking, gorgeous boss at home, make her think that you are the perfect candidate for him.

The fact that you probably need whatever she offers you right now, you need money to make sure your sister goes to the best university in America, and take care of your aunty who is living alone in a very old house, and your cousin that always gets into trouble every time he can.

You are sighing for the 100 time already, knowing that it will never stop until you said yes,

"Have you spoken to him?" finally you ask.

"Yes, You don't have to worry, you just need to sign the paper,"

"Like, are you serious about this? Because once it is done, there is nothing I can do about it," you again make sure about whatever she is offering.

"Yes, I'm sure, if you agree with this, I will call him to come here to sign the document"

"Just, maybe call him first and see what he says." You requested

Another minute passes until Lia tries to ask his husband to run to her.

"Babe, come here, she just want to make sure that you are agreed to this marriage"

You keep looking at his eyes, which giving you 100 question about him, well, you see him growing up until he move to USA to continue his studies and coming home to help his dad on his business and now he is the main CEO of the company, well... pretty much a very good life for a human being.

"I am all good, as long as you are okay with it," he is giving his best smile to Lia,

"Yes babe, this is what I want, and I guess Y/N is a perfect person, See... I told you he is going to do it," Lia is giving you the best smile, laugh and sunshine hiding her true feelings.

You are confused, pretty much confused, and you have no one to ask other than yourself.

"Come on Y/N you will help me right, after you sign the paper, I will directly contact my school to take care of your sister administrations,"

Now you are interested, you want your sister to get and grab whatever she can to continue her study the farest she can get to make sure she does not end up like you.

You take the pen and open it and you are still looking at your boss face as he is still looking at his phone, like he literally doesn't care.

"Perfect!" Lia screams in happiness.

"Now, you can move to the house behind us, you know the one used to belong to Taehyung before we got married and we can share him, 2 weeks with me and another 2 weeks with you,"

✅ Calling You Mine Series: Book 1 (18+) || BUSINESS MAN AUWhere stories live. Discover now