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This one was a highly requested one and I love writing this one <3

Nicks POV:

Ben was messing with Charlie again I could tell. You see bens always body shamed Charlie or called him things. That makes him not eat or even...cut himself.

The last time he even tried to kill himself because of Ben I hate him so much. He's hurt Charlie so fucking much and I wanna make sure that he never does that again.

I went up to Charlie and he was re-reading all of the nasty messages Ben sent him. Things like:
Kill yourself
F slur
Cut yourself
No one loves you
Stop eating
And so much more. I grabbed Charlie's phone and blocked Ben then deleted all his messages so Charlie couldn't see them.

I held his hand and cuddled him. "He won't be able to hurt you for much longer okay?" I said planting a kiss on his forehead.

"What do you mean...?" He asked sadly but concerned. "Don't worry sweetheart I know what I'm doing" I said laying down with him.

It was around 7pm and we haven't eaten yet. "Char? Do you want something to eat? And them messages aren't true you've punished yourself enough..." I said Charlie shook his head.

"I'm not hungry Nick...I promise" he said obviously he was lying. I made myself something and ate it. I was gonna end this tonight.

No one's messes with my darling.

I went back upstairs and played with Charlie's hair to get him to sleep. Once he was he was tossing and turning every now and again but he was still sleeping.

I slowly got out of bed and put on a black hoodie. I tried to be as quiet as possible so I didn't wake up Charlie.

I knew where Ben lived it took months of stalking but I did it in the end.

It started to rain so there would be barely any people out and it's like 1 am so not many people should be out.

I walked slowly to his house because their were loads of police out at this time of night that's my only screw up. I would just play it off cool anyway.

His house was like around 2 hours away from here so if he came to Charlie then obviously he would've like slept near the house. He could've spelt near the bins when he belongs?

I seductively skipped along the path to my enemy. As soon as I was outside his house I had a very cunning smile on my face. Oh how I've been waiting years for this.

Also I figured that day when Charlie had hickeys all down his neck I knew it was Ben and I hated shouting at Charlie and blaming him for it.

I got into his house in "Ninja Mode" yeah I definitely didn't break a whole load of  plates just to get him come. He came running down the stairs.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed I pulled down my mask and he just froze. "Not such a big man now are you? Touch my fucking husband again I swear to fucking god." I started chasing after him but little did he know I knew the way around his house.

I followed him then when he thought he won I went behind him and brought him down to the basement.

"NICK WHAT THE FUCK I DIDN'T DO NOTHING." He started screaming as I tied the ropes on his hands as tight as possible. "Don't act like I DON'T fucking know about what YOU did to Charlie. The messages when you assaulted him I'm not fucking Stupid Sebastian."

"You don't know shit" he said I tied the ropes tighter and he started crying. I stood in front of him with my arms folded. "Who's the fucking crybaby now hmm?" I asked he was kicking his legs and trying to move.

"Try all you want your not getting anywhere until I get rid of you FOR GOOD." He had a scared look on his face, "you can't do shit mate" he said I looked at him dead in the eyes and pulled out a knife.

I started running my fingers up and down the flat side "soooo you were saying~" I slurred slowly walking around him. He just laughed "Mate I'm not fucking scared" he said but he's so stupid I can see he's scared.

I Held the knife up to his throat "N-Nick this ain't funny..." he stuttered I laughed manically. "Well~ you should've thought about that when you did the things to Charlie~" I said. "What a waste it would be to just end it right now how about we have some fun?" I asked he violently shook his head.

I pulled out another knife and started throwing them at the side of him. "Awwww boy you..." I said I then grabbed his hair and stepped on his hands he let out a scream.

"Shut the fuck up." I said he had tears streaming out of his eyes. "This is how Charlie felt but a lot different." I stated.

After a few hours a came down with the knife again. "Now the fun starts..." I said with a smile on my face. I out the knife up to his neck and pushed it down,blood started dripping down his neck.

I soon then did the same to his legs and arms just to show what Charlie felt and how he made Charlie feel. "A-ALRIGHT I-ILL S-AY S-SORRY" he raised his voice I laughed "Really?! SAY SORRY FOR WHAT?! MAKING HIM WANNA KILL HIMSELF,MAKING HIM FEEL WORTHLESS,GIVING HIM TRAUMA,MAKING HIM FEEL LIKE SHIT AND LIKE HES NOT DOING ENOUGH?! FUCKING TRY BUT YOU WONT GO NEAR MY MAN ANYTIME SOON" I said laughing at the end.

I grabbed the knife and held it up to his stomach "any last words Ben Hope~" I said but as he was about to speak I stabbed him right through the stomach as he let out a spine-chilling scream.

I laughed as I pulled the knife out of his stomach and continued doing that over and over. The police wouldn't hear because we were in the basement.

After I had my fun I ran all the way back home and took my cover off. "Nick...? Where did you go...?" He said tiredly walking over to him and putting his head on my shoulder.

I picked him up and kissed his forehead "Don't worry love Just go back to sleep" I said.


Daily Reminder:You are worthy don't let anyone bring you down your doing amazing keep going. There will be challenges in life but you'll get through them I believe in you. I'm so proud of you keep going 💕


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