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Charlie's POV:
I've noticed Nick hasn't been himself lately. I don't know if it's his exams but it seems way more than that. It basically feels like he's fading away.

I put on my converse and made my way to his house. I was overthinking literally all the bad things that could've happened. I soon got to the front of the door.

I knocked and was greeted by his mum "Oh hello Charlie!" His mum said. "Hey where's Nick?" I asked "He's in his room just be careful" she said.

Be careful? I walked up to his room and knocked. "WHAT?!" He shouted I walked in. "Nick..." I said as I saw all different papers scattered over his desk.

I walked over to him and hugged him. "Charlie I..." he tried to say.

We were now on his bed and his head was on my lap. I sat there playing with his hair. "You haven't been yourself and I just wanted to know why...Your always there for me so I wanna be there for you as well" I said looking at him.

"I've just been revising to much and exams have been stressing me out I don't understand anything it don't make sense!" Nick explained.

Tears ran down his face I wiped them away with my sleeve. "Do you want me to maybe help you? I can see if I can do anything?" I suggested.

"No I'm gonna take a break for a bit...now that your here i have my comfort" Nick said.

He changed positions he was now sitting next to me with his arm around my waist. "Thank you..." he said "Why? What did I do?" I asked. "Just because...I don't know how I got so lucky with you. No matter what's happening your always there for me and you just calm everything down for me..." Nick said.

I smiled. He buried his head in my chest. "I love you" he said "I love you to" I replied.

Nick soon fell asleep on me I just sat there. His desk looked so messed up. I was glad that he's taking a break though he needs it.

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