~Talk To Me~

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Nicks POV:
Charlie's been really off lately and he says he's fine to everyone even me but I know that he's far from fine.

His behaviour is so different. It's like he's always so tense even if he's not near everyone,he don't talk that much anymore and hes Just always on edge.

I had a trip today so the only time we would be able to see each other was in form. I made my way there because I figured he'd be there.

I opened the door and saw him sitting down he was very spaced out. "Char?" I called i tapped him and he flinched.

"Oh hey Nick!" He said smiling. "Hey Char how are you?" I asked although I knew his answer I still wanted to ask.

"I'm fine how are you?" He asked I sighed "I'm good" I replied. I held his hand and looked him in the eyes "I'm gonna come round to see you later okay?" I said. He nodded. "You have that trip today don't you?" He asked I nodded. "Oh..." he said he sounded disappointed or sad even.

"Why? I can stay here if you want me to?" I suggested. "No no no it's okay you go and enjoy your trip!" He said smiling. "Okay but please text me if something happens Char" I said. He just nodded again.

I kissed him then I left.

Charlie's POV:
Nick kissed me then left I was really sad about that I don't feel safe unless he's with me and it's more scarier that Ben was still here. He's been texting me as well.

When Nick left I immediately felt so empty. It felt like someone just took my whole world away and I was just left there. It felt like I was the only person on the planet. It felt so lonely and depressing.

The bell soon rang and I went to my first class it was really boring I kept spacing out and whenever I got called it it felt like the world was dumped on my shoulders.

The day dragged on until my last lesson the lesson I was dreading the most. I was really thinking about skipping but my mum would scream at me.

I had it with Ben that's why. I sat next to him as well which is even worse and I just really didn't wanna go. I slowly walked there as slow as I could be.

I soon got there and sat at my seat at the back. I put my head on on the desk while I waited until I recognised his footsteps. A bad dropped on the floor I knew it was Ben.

"Hey Charlie" he said smiling at me which was werid. "Hi.."I said. I didn't wanna be here I just wanted to be in my bed.

The class started and I got very anxious and Ben noticed and just laughed. He then put his hand on my knee which made me uncomfortable.

I tried to move his hand but his just moved his hand there again. "Move your hand..." I whispered. "What are you gonna do? Call Nick? Oh yeah he's away no." He whispered back but a little louder.

I felt a tear run down my face I quickly wiped it away. The class only started 10 minutes ago and his hand was still there.

I was gonna break down any second but I was to scared to ask to go to the bathroom. He kept his hand there but occasionally moving it to hold my hand.

I kept looking at the clock and we had 5 more minutes left. Thank god I couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole.

"Right everyone start packing up" the teacher said. I grabbed all of my things and stood up with my bag. I didn't even look at Ben I just walked out of the door.

I walked home listening to music "This Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift" I took my headphones out and went inside. "Hey Charlie" Tori said "Hi" I replied going straight up to my room and locking the door.

I broke down and started thinking about everything that happened today mainly Ben and everything. I was shaking i was so scared.

Tori soon came u and tried to open the door when she noticed it was locked she walked away.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on the door it was very faint considering I was crying and shaking. I heard the footsteps rapidly come up the stairs then I saw someone messing with the door Handel.

"Char...please unlock the door" it was Nick. I couldn't speak nor could I breathe that well.

Nicks POV:
Charlie locked the door and I tried asking him to open it but he wouldn't. I remembered he gave me a extra key for his room a while ago.

I unlocked his door and my face dropped. I went over to him and calmed him down. He was still slightly shaking but not as bad as he was.

He was laying on my shoulder with his face stained with tears. "Do you wanna talk about it...?" I asked him.

"After you left I felt terrible and the day dragged on then I had my last class with Ben a-and he kept putting his h-hand on my k-knee I tried to move it b-but he kept putting his hand there again. H-he held my hand a-a few times and I-I" Charlie explained but ended up having tears falling down his face again.

I just hugged him and rubbed circles on his back. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there..." I said I honestly felt so bad. "No no it's okay don't be sorry" Charlie said.

I just cuddled him so tight I don't wanna let go on him. He's so precious he don't deserve this.

I just hugged him then realised I was crying to. Charlie wiped my eyes "Don't cry...your to pretty to cry" he said I just smiled.

I don't deserve him.

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