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Charlie's eating disorder has gotten worse lately. You see Nick went for a university trip yesterday so Charlie was alone. All of his friends had plans so he was just at home all by himself.

Charlie's POV:
It's so lonely without Nick here. I was literally fine yesterday then he left...I was really upset all I've dont all day is just sit in bed.

I didn't wanna get up I didn't wanna go downstairs I simply just wanted to sleep the days away until Nick came back. That would be in 2 weeks. He said that he would call everyday and text me everyday.

I Just i don't know what I'm gonna do without him. My friends have plans and I am not going to my house that's hell. So I'm just here.

I looked around the room and it just felt empty and depressing. It was like I was in exile. It just felt so alone...

I didn't wanna text Nick I didn't want to annoy him because he's most likely busy doing stuff. He was only on the trip for 2 weeks but that's so long I barely survived when he left for 6 months.

I cuddled up to the blankets and the teddy bear that Nick gave me. I tried to go sleep but it didn't work. Sleep literally hates me right now.

My stomach started growling but I ignored it I wasn't in the mood to eat. I wasn't in the mood to do anything actually.

All I wanted was Nick I didn't wanna do anything I just wanted Nick here. I know that sounds selfish but he's just I don't even know how to explain it.

I fell asleep for a few hours just to get the thought out of my head.

When I woke up Tao was sitting in the end of my bed. "Hey Charlie sleep well?" He asked I was really confused. "Yeah I slept fine? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well I got worried about you because the whole group messaged you and you didn't answer" he said. "Oh sorry I turned my notifications off" I said. "Why?" Tao questioned.

"Eh idk kept getting spammed by Darcy and I didn't wanna be woken up" I lied. I actually turned my notifications off because of Ben. "Oh okay but your okay?" Tao asked. "Yes Tao I'm fine don't worry" I said.

He stood up. "Well wanna come out with us? We're all going to the beach to watch the sunset" he said. Honestly it's my favourite thing but I wasn't really in the mood. "Thanks Tao but I'll stay here I'm not really in the mood" I said.

I saw Tao's face drop. "But it's your favourite thing...are you sure your okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just really not in the mood" I said. "Well have you been eating?" He asked. "Yeah I have" I Lied.

Tao Just then left. I hated lying to him it hurt. Nick still hasn't texted me at all. It's almost been one week. I decided to try and text him.

Me:Hey are you okay?
Nick:I'm fine can you please leave
Me alone?

So I did. I don't know if I did something or anything...maybe he's just stressed.

He was coming back in a week which I was really excited about. I was just hoping that he wouldn't catch on my eating disorder.

One Week Later

Nicks POV:
I was going back to Charlie today and I was really happy. I hope that hes taking care of himself maybe he even hung out with his friends?

I started packing my bags and I just couldn't contain my excitement. "Someone's excited" One of the teachers said. I just nodded.

I continued packing and I was finally done. I was on my way back and suddenly I got this terrible feeling in my stomach. What if Charlie's not okay?

I brushed off the thought and just thought about me seeing him. I got off the bus and I was now standing outside the front door.

I knocked it the door opened almost instantly. Charlie ran into my arms and I picked him up. He felt way lighter than before though...I ignored it for now.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked I just nodded and started ranting to him about it. He just sat there and listened. I noticed he was covering his stomach with his arms.

"Why did you stop talking?" He asked "Because you haven't been eating have you?" I said. He looked panicked for a second. "What...? Yes I have!" He said defensive.

"Char...don't lie to me you feel way lighter than you were before just tell me the truth..." I said. He just bursted into tears. I cuddled him. "Hey shhhh it's okay don't cry..." I said.

"I'm sorry I-I just found it really hard to eat while you were away..." he explained. It made sense. "That's okay I understand that..." I said.

We just cuddled and Charlie fell asleep.

I love him so much...


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