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Nicks POV:
Charlie's not doing so well...He hasn't left his room for 3 days and he's locked the door I don't have a spare key at all. I'm really worried I've tried unlocking it but it hasn't worked.

I walked to his door and knocked. "Nick...please leave me alone" he said it sounded like he was disappearing. Is started to get worried and I banged on the door.

"Charlie please open this door." I said my words sounded like I was mad at him but I was just worried about him.

He didn't though. I slumped down behind the door. I didn't wanna loose him and if he did do something I would never forgive myself.

"Charlie Please im worried about you..." I said. No response. Then I heard the door unlock. I stood up and Charlie was standing there.

He looked like shit. He was as pale as a ghost,his eyes were all red,he looked so cold and just done with life.

He walked back into his bedroom and laid down again. I sat next to him. "Char..." I said looking at him. "I'm sorry..." he said.

I cupped his cheek. "Hey no we banned that word. You don't need to say sorry I just wanna know what's wrong...?" I said. He sighed. "I-I don't know..."he lied.

He knew what was wrong you could see on his face he was lying. "Char I know your lying what's wrong..." I said agin.

"It don't matter it's stupid and honestly I don't care about it there's nothing to worry about I'm fine!" He said aggravated. "Charlie if nothing was wrong you wouldn't be acting like this" I said.

Charlie just looked down. I knew he didn't wanna talk but he had to at least tell me what's going on or I can't help him. I didn't wanna be to rude on him as well because then he would completely shut off.

"Charlie..." I said calmly he just looked at me. "You haven't came out of your room for 3 days. You haven't ate for 3 days" I said. He just broke down.

I calmed him down it took a while though but that didn't matter. "I'm sorry for being distant I-I didn't mean it I didn't mean to be distant...I was just having flashbacks and yeah...I'm sorry" he said.

I knew what the flashbacks were about. Ben. He literally left a mark in Charlie's head. I cuddled him again. "Please...tell me next time...I don't want you struggling alone then you end up doing something okay?" I said.

He nodded. "Promise Charlie?" I said "I promise." He said.

We just cuddled and watched a movie.

"Char? Do you wanna try and eat something?" I asked it was a risky question but I still asked it. "Um..." he said. I looked at him "Please..." I said.

"Okay sure" he said. He tried to sound happy but his voice was covered in sadness.

I made something small and ate with Charlie but he just seemed to stare at it. "Charlie?" I said "Hmm? Oh sorry" he said.

He didn't eat anything which worried me. A lot. I wasn't gonna bother him with it though so I just left it.

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