Chapter Five: No Long a Girl

Start from the beginning

"A little?"

"Don't worry about it." He kissed the top of my hand and went to go get sweat pants for me.

When we got to my apartment all hell broke loose. I opened the door and Linda jumped on me. "There you are! I've been so worried. Josh told me you left with some guy and was acting weird and you didn't answer your phone. I called the cops but they couldn't do anything since it had only been a few hours and then..."

"Calm down. I'm fine. See." I held out my arms. "Totally fine."

She frowned causing her eyebrows to scrunch together. "Then where have you been and why are you wearing those clothes?"

I didn't know what to say. Brent was still hidden from Linda's view by the door and I didn't know if I wanted her to see him but I couldn't see any way around it.

"Amor you're over thinking this," he said and then pushed past me. "Hello you must be Linda I'm Brent."

Linda's eyes widened and she glanced over at me. I knew she thought he was hot by the light pink in her cheeks when he held out his hand to shake hers.

"And how do you know my Katrina?" I knew that look, she was about to get protective of me.

He smirked. "Well I wouldn't say she's yours anymore." He tucked me under his arm.

She looked even more confused. "Oh wait you can't be her boyfriend. Katrina would have told me and trust me I know enough about her to know she would never date a guy like you." By the end of it she was frowning.

"Guy like me?" Brent didn't look too happy.

"Yeah I know your type. All hot and sexy but you take advantage of sweet innocent girls like Katrina and when you're done with them you throw them to the curb." Linda put her hands on her hips an glared at him.

Brent took a step forward but I grabbed his arm. "Why don't you wait for me in the car and I'll hurry up and get ready."

"No I'm not leaving you here alone with her."

"Excuse me?" Linda looked like she was about to go all momma bear on him and she did. "How about you get the hell out? I don't know you and nor do I want to but get this through your thick skull I've been Katrina's best friend for the past two years. I know more about her than anyone else so you can leave because I'm not going to have my girl around some two timer asshole."

"Linda!" I gaped at her. "What is your problem?"

"Josh told me about how he made you come with him. You would never do that in your right mind."

"Brent wait for me outside." My mouth pressed into a hard line.


"Now! I want to have a talk with Linda." I blinked. ‘Did I really just snap at him?’ I wondered. That was something I never did.

"Very well." He kissed my cheek and moved through the door. "I told you that you would get confidence."

I was surprised to realize he was right. I would never have normally said something. Linda always would do the talking and I would always follow behind her but Brent was different.

Once Brent was gone I started for my bedroom with Linda on my heels. "What the hell was that? Katrina are you out of your mind. Guys like that..."

"You don't even know him!" I shouted. "I've known Brent for a while and..."

"And he's why you were so off!" She looked as if she was going to explode. "I've been worried sick about you and it's because some guy blew you off and now wants in your pants? I thought you knew better..."

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