"Oy! Curly Eyebrows, you're lagging behind!" Zoro shouted making the cook growl and turn to follow the group.

Ana looks towards the ocean to see that the navigator's wandering away from the beach. With a concerned thought, Anamaria asked Sable to follow with the others as she herself went to step onto the water's surface and, starting off a little shakily, and walking to where Nami was sailing towards.

"Whoa, this place is huge. Is this still Skypiea?" she sees the redhead gapes at the sight as she coasts toward the edge of the land.

"That's a good question" Nami jolts at the sound of Ana's voice and turns to see her seemingly floating over the water next to her as if she was always there.

"When the hell did you get here?!" the navigator asked her as she recovered from the shock.

"This is strange" Anamaria said as she raised her foot and reached over to the island, touching the solid piece of land "It appears that this is land"

"Maybe we should turn back. I'm not getting a good feeling about this place" Nami nods in agreement as she stares up at the trees that are as tall as a giant.

"I couldn't agree more" Ana goes to walk back to her, but when they turn around, they freeze to see that the man who attacked the ship is ten feet behind them with a bazooka aimed in their direction.

However, instead of firing at them he jumps off the cloud and shoots the island. The pirates widen their eyes at the blast before they hear a man screaming in pain.

The girls look towards the sound in shock to see a slightly muscular, young man with short shaggy blonde hair, dressed in a light yellow shirt and black knee high shorts flying in their direction from the blast. However, the barefoot man didn't go far as he lands face first on the shoreline.

The wounded stranger ignores the blood flowing from his tan forehead as he silently pants from exhaustion. He slowly lifts his head to find some way off the island, but stops in shock to see a woman standing over the ocean with another girl on a waver but he barely cares about the unusual sight as he raises an arm to them.

"P-please, help me..." he begs as the skies begin to go from blue to dark grey from the clouds forming above them.

"W-what's going on?" Nami asks as she shivers in fear just when a large, blue, lightning bolt plunges from the sky towards the man on the island, missing him by mere inches creating a fire.

"Hurry, put the fire out!" the other three looks to see four winged men, a giant bird, and a large dog working to put the growing flames out, and don't notice that the man they've been chasing has survived.

Ana helps Nami get the wounded man to his feet and onto the waver as Nami sails close to the distant coast to hid behind a large tree, with Ana running over the water following her.

"Get back!" Nami whispers as she pulls Anamaria and the man back by the arm before she could be noticed by them.


"Did you guys hear him talking to someone before the blast?" a bald muscular man with pointy sunglasses pats his giant white dog before he stares at the coast.

"I think I saw a raider sailing away Ohm, it was probably him. Still, what was Eneru thinking doing...?" a pale man with long red hair and with a physique that's similar to a ball nods as he adjusts his round glasses.

He pauses when he senses something new, so he looks around the area which makes the others stare at him in confusion. The middle-aged priest, who looks like a pilot with a pointed moustache, raises an eyebrow at his searching comrade.

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