Cinderella Man Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

I pull away slowly from her as I start to lose my breath. Not that I mind, I would happily lose all oxygen from my body in order to feel that warmth on my lips.

"Please, don't leave me," I hear myself whisper. As soon as I say those words, I regret it. I know one day she's going to have to leave me, the day that she has to decide on a King and husband for herself. She can't choose me.

"I promise, I never will," she lies.

"But you have to," I tell her, watching as her eyes fill with confusion.

"What do you mean I have to?"

"Your deadline is almost up Emily, you don't have long left before you have to pick your husband. It can't be me. This will all be over and we'll just be a memory, and I'm going have to accept that. I'm going have to get over you soon, and that's going to be that hardest thing I'll ever have to do. You can't keep that promise, so don't make it. We have to come back to reality Emily, it's almost over," I explain. I feel my eyes start to fill as I furiously blink them back. I can't cry now, not in front of her.

"Is that what you want?" she asks me, moving back slightly "for us to be over?"

I look deep into the green eyes that captivated me. The ones I fell in love with and continue to fall in love with every day. Who would ever want to leave those eyes?

"It's the last thing that I want," I admit.

"Then it won't happen," she says, like it's that simple. As if she can say it and that will make it true.

"I won't let it," she tells me "I'm not giving you up Sam Hastings. I love you and I will choose you. I don't care what my mother says, or anyone else for that matter. It's not their decision, it's mine. They won't have to live with it for the rest of their lives. I couldn't marry anyone else now that I've met you. I was meant for you Sam and you were meant for me. I can't be with anyone else," Emily finishes.

I so want to believe everything that she's saying. I want to accept it as the truth and to believe it's true for as long as I can. But as she's saying it, I know it can't happen that way. It doesn't matter how much we want to be together, we weren't made to be.

Emily believes we were made for each other, and I want to believe that also, but I can't help but find fault in that theory.

Me and Emily, we're from completely different ends of the spectrum.

She has money, as palace, a family that both loves and cares for her. She has people to do things for her, staff there the beckon on her every call. She can go where she wants, when she wants, and never has to worry about the simple things.

I'm not like that.

I don't have any of the things she has; I can't get up one day and leave. I have nowhere else to go and no way of getting there.

When we were created, they couldn't have made us more different.

And now it's a cruel trick of fate to make me fall in love with this girl. It's my bad karma for tearing my family apart when I got expelled. I always believed being homeless was my punishment for what I did, but I was wrong.

My punishment is falling in love with the unattainable.

"I so want to believe you Emily Smith. I really do..." I whisper.

She looks at me for a while, searching every inch of my face.

"So that's it, we're over?" she asks.

Her question kills me on the inside.

I never wanted to hear her say it, even though I've been preparing myself for this since the moment I found out who she really is.

From that day, she was no longer an option. I was just stupid enough to believe she was.

And now, this is fate working the way it should. We aren't meant to be together, I can see that now.

"I don't want it to be..." she whispers to me as I stay silent.

The sound of her voice breaking cracks my heart in two. She sounds broken, just how I feel. Now karma is hurting her without any real reason. Tear my heart into two, I can deal with that; just don't mess with Emily's.

"I love you Emily Smith, more than I've ever loved anyone. I wish fate was kinder, and I wish I had more to offer you than I do. I wish your mother approved of me and I could be with you. But no amount of wishing is going to fix the truth. This is how it's meant to be. You have to go find your real prince charming. The one who will ride in on a white horse and save the day, I wish I was him Emily," my voice doesn't quite last my speech. It cracks slightly on the last words and before I can stop it, a few tears start rolling down my cheek. I leave them to run their path.

"But you're him."

She's killing me.

Can't she see that this is the way it's meant to be?

The poor boy and the princess were never meant to be.

Emily's POV

I watch as two little tears fall from Sam's eyes and trail down to his nose. I follow their path as they finally pass his mouth and fall off his face.

I can't bear to look into his eyes right now.

If I look into the dark chocolate orbs, I know I'll break.

Can't he see that we're made for each other, that I don't want to lose him?

I will fight everyone's doubts for him and show him that he belongs here. He doesn't think he's enough to be royalty, but he can't see that he's better than that.

He's already got the kindness inside him, the gentle manner that you need. He's got the brains, the problem solving mind that I wish I had. He's got an air of leadership about him, and I know that he could lead and people will follow.

He just needs to see it.

"You're better than the rest of us, you know that right?" I question him.

He looks at me in confusion.

"You are so much more suited to my life then you think you are. You have all the right traits in all the right measures and I know with everything in me that you'll be an amazing leader. People will accept you, and you'll show everyone what you're made of. I have so much faith in you Sam Hastings, it's time you had some in yourself."

He looks deeps into my eyes, his deep dark eyes sucking me straight in.

"It's not enough," he whispers, "I'm not made for this Emily Smith, I'm sorry."

With that he stands up, leaving the sleeping bag wrapped around me, and leaves.

I shout his name out at him, plead with him to come back, but he continues forward.

And my heart breaks with every step that he takes.

I'm not enough for him am I? I'm not enough for him to try to belong into my life. I love him with all my heart, and he just shattered it to pieces.

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