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As they stepped into the luxurious suite, Joon swiftly closed the door behind them, his desire for Hoseok palpable in the air. Without wasting a moment, he pulled Hoseok close, his strong arms wrapping around his waist, their bodies melding together like two puzzle pieces. Their lips crashed together in a passionate kiss clear of their intense desire for each other.

Hoseok's moans of pleasure mingled with the sound of their fervent kisses, but amidst the haze of passion, he managed to gasp, "Joon-ah, wait..."

Joon, his own breath heavy with anticipation, reluctantly tore his lips away from Hoseok's, his eyes burning with desire. "I've waited long enough, Hobah," he whispered, his voice hoarse with longing. Unable to resist any longer, he plunged his tongue back into Hoseok's mouth, their kiss growing more intense with each passing second.

Sensually, Joon's hands roamed over Hoseok's body as he effortlessly carried him to the bed, his touch sending shivers down Hoseok's spine. With a gentle touch, he lowered Hoseok onto the soft bed, their eyes locked in a passionate gaze.

Taking a step back, Joon slowly removed his shirt, revealing his sculpted physique to Hoseok's hungry gaze. The sight of his husband's bare chest heightened Hoseok's desire, his eyes fixated on every contour and curve. Joon's intense gaze met Hoseok's as the anticipation swirled between them.

Joon swiftly removed his trousers and his boxer briefs. "Stay right there," he commanded, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief, as he walked towards his luggage. Hoseok's eyes were fixed on Joon's retreating figure, unable to tear his gaze away from the breathtaking sight of Joon's broad back. The chiseled muscles rippled beneath his flawless skin, a testament to his dedication to fitness. Hoseok couldn't help but feel a rush of desire course through him as he admired Joon's sculpted physique. His mind wandered, conjuring up a whirlwind of enticing possibilities.

Joon turned around, a mischievous glint in his eyes, holding a bottle in his hand. He walked back towards the bed his eyes never leaving Hoseok even for a second. He looked at Hoseok who was eyeing his manhood without blinking. Hoseok was thinking hard....Is Joon gonna put that thing in me? Its big...its almost the size of his muscles. Oh my god, did it just move? Hoseok swallowed hard.

Joon slowly climbed on the bed on top of bed. He bent over Hoseok his eyes locking Hoseok's as he passionately kissed the man. He moved towards Hoseok's neck leaving a trail of kisses as he breathed hot air into Hoseok's ears. "Say my name Hobah.."


"No.." Joon whispered as he trailed kisses in Hoseok's neck.

"Joon-ah", Hoseok's voice was hoarse as he found it difficult to breathe.

"Nope", he said as he trailed kisses on Hoseok's neck making the man beneath him whimper.

"Ummmphhhh....Oppa...aahhh", Hoseok screamed as he felt Joon bite his neck.

"Wrong again lover."

"Dd...daddy", Hoseok spoke.

"That's right baby...say it again", Joon voiced as he began unbuttoning Hoseok's shirt slowly.

"Daddy Joon", Hoseok whimpered as he clutched Joon's strong, muscular arms.

"Daddy wants you now, Hobah..." Hoseok whimpered as Joon looked at Hoseok and bent down to lick the other side of his neck in between kisses. "Ummm, you smell so good hobahh...", he whispered sexy words as his hands continued unbuttoning hoseok's shirt revealing a beautiful, flawless skin. "Let me see you baby....all of you.." Hoseok arched as Joon removed Hoseok's shirt throwing it somewhere in the room. He was desperate and needy for Hoseok. Joon latched his mouth on Hoseok's nipples sucking it lightly while biting it gently with his teeth. Hoseok clutched Joon's hair in pleasure. "Aaah,,,Joonahhh"

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