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Jin was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, when his mother called him from the kitchen. "Hey, Jin, can you come here for a minute?"

He sighed and put down his phone. He knew what this was about. He was getting married and his mother was obsessed with every detail of the wedding. She had been nagging him to help out with the preparations, but his mind was elsewhere. Words of Min-ho echoed in his mind. Why did he agree to this wedding so soon?

He walked into the kitchen and saw his mother holding a stack of magazines and brochures. She smiled and gestured for him to sit down at the table.

"Look, Jin, I need your opinion on something. Which color scheme do you think is better for the reception? Pink and gold, or blue and silver?"

Jin looked at the pictures and shrugged. "I don't know, Mom. They both look fine to me."

His mother frowned. "Come on, Jin, don't be so indifferent. This is your wedding, after all. You should be more excited and involved."

Jin rolled his eyes. "Mom, I'm happy, I really am. But I don't see why I have to care about the color of the napkins or the shape of the cake. It's not like it matters."

His mother gasped. "How can you say that? Of course, it matters! Everything has to be perfect for you. You deserve the best wedding ever. Are you not happy in marrying Namjoon?"

"No amma, its not like that...it's just...I...", Jin wanted to tell his mother the truth but he knew it won't end well...the drama, the whole drama of putting career before marriage, postponing the wedding...urgh...he was kicking himself for not having the guts to tell everyone that he wants to postpone the wedding.

Jin shook his head. "Mom, you're being too dramatic. It's just a wedding. It's not like it's the end of the world."

His mother looked hurt. "Jin, I'm not being dramatic. I'm just trying to make sure everything goes smoothly. You know how much stress I'm under. Your father won't understand a thing, he is too simple for that and Hoseok and Jimin are busy with florists, photographers and picking your outfits. Now you are the groom. I need you to tell me specifically what you want. Everything has to be as per your taste."

Jin felt a pang of guilt. He knew his mother was working hard to make the wedding a success. She had spent hours on the phone with vendors and caterers. She was also visiting dozens of shops, and salons. She had made countless lists, budgets, schedules, and invitations.

Jin smiled, "OK, Mom, I'm sorry for being rude. I'll try to be more interested in the wedding stuff."

His mother brightened up and hugged him. "Thank you, Jin, that means a lot to me." She handed him a magazine and said, "Now, let's look at these pictures again. Which color scheme do you like better?"

Jin took the magazine and pretended to study it carefully. "Well, Mom, I think pink and gold would look nice."

Jae nodded, "I think so too."

She took out a pen and wrote down pink and gold on her notebook. "OK, that's settled then."

Jae looked at her watch, "Oh, we have to hurry up. We have an appointment with the salon in an hour."

She grabbed her purse and keys, "Come on, Jinnie, let's go." She dragged him out of the kitchen and towards the door.

Jin groaned inwardly. "This is going to be a long day."

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