chapter 22

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The sound of lockers slamming was all Derek could make out as he waited for either Scott or Jackson to break the silence that had lasted all day. They'd both been tiptoeing around the conversation neither of them really wanted to have, but Derek could tell Jackson was about to crack.

In a big way.

The fact that they now found themselves the last in the locker room was no accident either. Derek could hear the thoughts bouncing around in Jackson's head at this point, but he was determined not to step in unless it was absolutely necessary. Under normal circumstances, Derek would think it was sweet how concerned Jackson was about a fellow teammate, maybe even a friend, but right now it was just annoying.

And the fact that Scott couldn't keep his damn mouth shut, literally or figuratively, made him nervous.

"McCall," Jackson said, walking over to him.

His footfalls told Derek exactly where he was and he shut his eyes to envision the scene, hoping he would be able to tell a second or two before anything escalated if he needed to leave the coach's office.

Scott's anger at his own situation was bubbling right near the surface at all times. Derek knew that feeling well. But right now it was dangerous. And not just because they needed to keep their true nature a secret.

Jackson Whittemore was a good kid, and Derek knew that if Scott let himself lose it, even for a second, he'd never forgive himself. He knew that feeling well too.

Scott sighed. "What, Jackson?" He stood up, the bench groaning in protest at the absence of weight, causing all of Derek's muscles to tense. "We have to get out to the field."

"Not until you tell me you've taken my advice," Jackson countered.

"Jackson, I told you, I'm not on drugs," Scott responded, the frustration evident to anyone who might be listening. "I know you're worried about me, but please just believe me."

"If you gave me a reason to, maybe I would," Jackson begged. "There's gotta be an explanation for your sudden improvement, McCall. And that's the easiest one. Give me something else." He paused, his tone shifting. "Anything else, dude."

"Just lay off, all right?" Scott muttered.

Scott was still laboring under the assumption that he was the ugly duckling of the team, and of school, and Jackson being worried about him didn't make any sense. Derek understood that, but he was playing with fire. His moods were too hot and cold to be ignored, even by a casual observer. He needed Derek and Peter more than he realized.

Derek heard the gentle clap of Jackson's hand on Scott's padded shoulder and he stood up without thinking. He had touched Scott. They were in entirely dangerous territory, no matter the intention.

"In case you're missing the point, McCall, I'm trying to help you," Jackson insisted.

"Well, I didn't ask you to care!" Scott yelled, rounding on Jackson as Derek pulled open the door. "So leave me alone!"

Derek was around the lockers with his arms crossed before either of them could respond to Scott's rage.

"What's going on here?" he asked, looking between the two of them.

Scott shrugged off Jackson's hand. "He doesn't trust me. That's what."

Jackson turned to Derek with a smug look on his face and Derek watched him carefully. "I'm sure you've noticed McCall's been acting strange. He won't tell me why, so I think he's on drugs. I'm trying to help him out, but he won't let me."

Jackson watched Derek just as closely as he waited for a reaction that was never going to come. He had spent all day playing out this very conversation, or some version of it, in his head. He knew what he wanted to say now. What he hoped would have the greatest impact on both of them.

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