chapter 20

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Derek smirked as he brought over another plate of food, this time bacon, and placed it on the island where Scott and Stiles were sitting. Stiles hadn't stopped moving since they'd sat down, and now he was spinning in circles on the stool, trying desperately to take in everything at once.

And knowing Stiles, that was highly possible.

Ever since Derek had come back to Beacon Hills as the assistant coach, he had watched all the guys on the team, but especially Stiles. It was impossible not to. He was always––sometimes literally––bouncing from one place to another. And his ADD gave him heightened senses in a way that most people couldn't comprehend. Most people obviously not including Derek.

He was like a hyperactive puppy, and as much as Derek wanted Stiles, and his incredibly frail human body, as far from the action as possible, that wasn't going to happen. He was Scott's anchor in a way that no one else could or should be, so he couldn't exactly be mad at him for figuring everything out either.

He was Scott's lifeline.

When the last tray was set down, Peter and Derek joined Scott and Stiles, filling their own plates, letting the other two know it was fine for them to do the same now. There was a semi-awkward moment of silence as they each piled way too much in front of them before Scott started to shovel food in his mouth with the same gusto as he had last night.

Peter watched Scott for a second before turning to Derek with a perked eyebrow in question.

"He thinks if he does that, it'll get him out of talking," Derek explained quietly.

Stiles snorted and shoved a piece of bacon in his own mouth, chewing at a much slower pace than Scott.

"An admirable effort, but someone has to break the ice, and since I'm the Alpha..."

"You're going to give us the lowdown on this whole wolfy situation?" Stiles interrupted with a question. "Derek gave us, like, a sneak preview last night."

He swallowed hard as Scott remained stoically silent, his mouth completely full.

"No asthma, faster, stronger, super sight, hearing, and smell," Stiles began to rattle off. "Red eyes, blue eyes, dark yellow eyes, fangs, fingernails." He stopped long enough to take a deep breath before he continued on. "Hunters, control, training. Alphas, Betas, and lone wolf. Uh, and King Lycaon and his sons."

Peter laughed to himself and shook his head. "You told them that story?"

"Stiles was being annoying," Derek said with a shrug, "so I messed with him."

"You're rude," Stiles retorted, his mouth full.

"No talking with your mouth full," Peter said automatically. "And that was a little rude, Derek, but perhaps understandable. I assume he always talks this much?"

"Yes," Derek, Scott, and Stiles responded in unison.

"So our newest wolf does have a voice," Peter said with another light chuckle. "Good."

Scott looked down at his plate again, suddenly engrossed in the bright colors on display there. Thankfully, Derek noticed that Peter knew not to say anything about it, instead turning to Stiles. The one person who wanted to talk.

"Your curiosity is rather endearing, Stiles," Peter offered. "I appreciate that."

Derek groaned as Stiles grinned happily. He didn't need him getting a big head about all this either. Yes, he knew more than most, and definitely more than Scott was willing to accept, but the last thing Derek wanted was Stiles in the thick of any of this either.

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