Chapter 21: Ferris Wheel

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"Are the boys not coming?" Alexis asks

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"Are the boys not coming?" Alexis asks.

I shake my head, "They are going to go watch the car racing." I tell her the message Parker sent.

"Right." She scowls.

We never really got along in highschool, she was super popular and everyone loved her. No one really loved me at school.

But it's been a few years, people grow up.

"Did you end up going to college?" I ask.

"Yep, i'm on my way to being a lawyer."

"Wow. That's so cool." I smile.

"Did you go to college?"

I shake my head.


She's judging me. I can feel it.

I take a deep breathe and clutch my phone tighter.

"Do you want to go on the ferris wheel?" I ask.

She nods, "Sure."

We wait in line and i try to start conversations but she's just on her phone.

I feel like i'm back in school again.

It's finally our turn to get on the carriage. Im a little nervous.

Heights scare me but i won't be alone. I'll be okay.

"Hey look, i've got to go." Alexis says.

"What?" I frown.

"I've got something to do. Bye." She slips under the rope.

I go to follow her but i feel arms pick me up and place me in the carriage. The worker shuts and locks the door and i feel it move as it goes to the next one.

I begin to tremble.

Oh no no. I can't do this alone.

"Let me off, please." I yell to the man.

He looks at me, "You're already on,"

"Please let me off." I sniffle.

"Let her off." A brunette girl in line tells him.

He groans and lowers my carriage, unlocking it and letting me out.

I jump out and speed walk away utterly embarrassed.

I find a bench and i sit down and instantly call Parker. I have nothing else to do.

It only rings once before he picks up, "Hey, P."

"Parker." I sniffle.

"What's wrong?" His voice turns to worry, "Where are you?"

I try so hard not to let the tears flow. It's stupid. So stupid.

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