chp.11: 'Her Past'

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" Hello?", chief answered the call while trembling and stumbling on his words. " Explain this shit to me ....", a firm voice was heard from the other side of the phone. " Our plan didn't work out ma'am, when that boy came outside the basement....we tried to search him, but we didn't get a single trace of him", his words were stumbling while being acknowledged that her anger have reached to its limit.

" Probably.... he's the one who posted that shit. Damn... that boy... I underestimated him. He must be having more plans up on his sleeves," she said. " What should we do now? Ma'am," chief asked. " No matter what .....I want that kid to be dead... within 24 hrs... I don't know how you'll find matter what happens... drag him here to my place!... I'll kill him with my own fucking hands! ", with that, she hanged up the call.

Chief took a long breath and headed out of the cabin.

The next day,

Simon, Rose and her friends gathered at her home. There were two young cunning man and one girl. " Hello there.... I am Jay, and he is Shun ", One well-dressed man introduced him and the other man to Simon. " I am Suzy and I hope we all get well ", she started with a warm smile.

" As you know my personality, I just ended up making three friends through my whole service...but they are quite good at many things... you know?", she said while taking a little pause...

" Suzy was the best shooter from our group, and she is a well judo player and Jay was also known as the plan-plotter,' The biggest brain of our group'. Shun is expert at defending the close attacks...he doesn't need guns at all...he had rarely used them," Rose explained while making him assured that he got the good company, so he doesn't need to worry.

" Well, that's a merit then, let's not waste time and let me explain the plan," Simon added while being relieved that he got some good source.

They decided to execute the plan at noon as probably just few people would be there roaming in ODRI at that time.

At first, they had decided to do a big explosion a little far from ODRI, so they could lure out the guards out of that area, but as Jay suggested that violence is not the best option, and they can even enter inside as they had qualified posts. Everyone agreed to Jay's idea, and so the plan was decided to kidnap chief.

At noon....

They all reached at ODRI, Rose and her friends were in their military fatigues and Shun was carrying a big suitcase. They reached at the gate and guards stopped them in their way. " Wait... Outsiders are not allowed and if you have appointment with some then please come some another day…", One of those two guards stated. " Oh.. I see, but we were appointed for chief security, and he told us to come today," Jay told him in a polite manner. " Oh ....I am sorry for interrupting you," he says while opening the gates...

" Fool, who got carried away with such a simple reason", Shun whispered while moving ahead.
They reached at chief's cabin and opened the suitcase, from which Simon came out. " Damn.....that felt like I was caged ", Simon said in a taunting way while wiping out his sweats.

" 3 we'll barge in... firstly Suzy will shoot all the tube lights out and if there's someone other than chief than Shun will handle him. Simon will knock down the Chief ....ok?", Jay explained in a serious tone.

"1....2.....3!", not even seconds after Jay said three, everyone barged in did their tasks. " Hey...the hell.. Chief is not here", Simon asked while being shocked. " What the- ", Rose was distracted by the sound of a door which got opened and Chief entered. As it was dark inside, he turned on the flashlight through his phone.

" Wait...who are you? Who gave you the permission to come in? ", before he could speak ahead, Simon ran and put a handkerchief on his mouth which was sprayed up with chloroform, through which Chief gets fainted. " Damn... I thought we had fucked up", Suzy said while letting out a big sigh.


Chief opened his eyes, everything was a little blur, but after a while it got clear... He noticed that his hands and legs were tied up, and he was kept inside a dark room. " Where am I? ", he asked himself while being a little anxious. " woke up? Well ..guess you had a pretty sleep", Simon asked while taking a few steps towards him. " Who are you? Where am I here? What do you want from me?", Chief started to ask questions while being confused and scared.

" You got a low memory, Chief, don't you remember me? Simon roysel?", Simon said in a taunting way. " Simon roysel? You! I thought you were someone similar", Chief shouted.
" Yeah...yeah.. What's the matter? Isn't he just shouting too much? Just ask him whatever you want to already?", Rose says in a frustrated tone." Just wait a second...will you? ", Simon replied with a sarcastic smile.

" you know we have kidnapped you just for I hope you cooperate with us and give your honest replies to us about whatever we ask", Jay stated in a serious tone.
" So...who is she?", Simon asked, and Chief stayed Silent for a while. " I don't know about whom you're asking", Chief replied in a pale voice.
" As if we'll believe this shit", Shun came forward and was about to hit him, but Rose stopped him. " Clam know that you can be behind bars after you do this, don't you?", Rose calmed him down.

" Damn... Please, Chief, I request and beg you to tell me about her. friend's life is in danger just because of that women.. I beg you!", Simon suddenly started to feel blue and got emotional.

" Samantha Christopher, her name is Samantha. She was one of the most well known idols in 90s", Chief started to speak up while seeing Simon's miserable state." 90's?!", Simon asked while being shocked. " Then why did she turn up like this?", Jay asked. " To know should know her past which will directly lead you yo your answers", Chief answered in lower tone while looking at the floor. " Her past?".

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