chp.9: Plan B

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Two hours before entering the basement...

Robert was tensed because the steps they were going to take now could even lead them to their deaths. He talked about this to Simon, but he never really cared, as he was just so curious to know what was inside the basement.

"Hey, listen, Simon, I know that the thing that I am going to say right now is out of the blue, but if this plan fails, we need to make a plan B."

Robert was able to see that Simon was showing no interest in his talks, which made him a little frustrated. He stopped while looking down on the floor. Simon noticed that, which made him stop and move ahead. "Do you really don't care about your fucking life?", Robert asked him in a lower tone. "What do you mean?" Simon asked him while being confused. Robert looked up at him while wiping down his tears. His face was all sore, and he was crying like there was no tomorrow.

"Do you really think that we will manage to come out of this basement safely? Let me get up to the fucking point. I don't think that both of us will come together alive ",Robert's words made him unable to speak. He came toward Robert and gave him a small sigh. "I see. I should have noticed earlier that this was the only thing about which you were bothered. I am really sorry for making you worried and tensed alone", he said, giving a warm hug to Robert." So what were you talking about, plan B? ",Simon asked him when he saw that Robert was not crying anymore. Robert looked up towards him and told him, "So...if a situation like this comes up where I guess we'll probably be stuck in there, I'll buy some time while I try to let you escape, and...," Simon cuts off his words and says, "Wait, so you're going to let me escape? Then what about you? " Robert was about to say something, but he thought for a while and said, " You know... I'll escape somehow", With that, he gave Simon a smile.

Pov: In the basement

"You're really going to think that you're going to come alive after letting me escape?", Simon asked. " I know....but what's just happening now is too gross...Even if one of us makes it alive out there, it will help a lot to do something about this shit", Robert told him as he realized that things were not in their hands at that moment.

"For me, right now, my life does not matter the most. Please go ahead.... Weren't you the one who wanted to help Lomba!!?", Robert asked him in a loud voice. " i fucking want to help, but not after sacrificing you for this. Have you gone nuts? How can I even do this?", Simon asked him while holding back his tears.

Robert gave a sigh and told him,"! Hey, believe me. I am really going to work out with these things. Trust me a little more, okay? Just do what I am telling you. As you can see, the door is still not locked, so run away and tell this all to everyone."

Not even seconds after that, suddenly the other small containers started to get opened, and many of those creatures started to crawl out and come towards Simon and Robert. " this is the right time. Go ahead, Simon! Run. I'll come after you", Robert shouted. Simon was so anxious that he was not able to think about anything, and he ran away from there. He was running up so fast that he had almost run out of breath. After reaching up with the help of the stairs, he takes a look towards the basement while witnessing no sign of Robert's presence.


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