chp.10: Truth revealed

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Simon opened his eyes and realized that he was sleeping on the bed. He stood up while having a headache. He tried to remember what happened after he left the basement. He remembered that he had fainted. Then how come he was sleeping over this place?

He had some minor injuries that were dressed up with bandages by someone. He stood up and was confused when someone knocked on the door of that room to grab his attention. "Dude, remember me?", she asked while Simon came towards her and hugged her tightly without thinking twice. "I thought that you must be so busy that you forgot your own sister", she stated in a taunting way.

"How can I forget you, Rose?", he asked while giving her a warm smile, but his sister did not seem to be in a great mood. "The heck with that smile of yours! Just explain to me the mess in which you were yesterday, and where is Robert? I came over here while searching for both of you, but I was not able to find. Thanks to that GPS shit that I added to your phone, which helped me know your whereabouts", she shouted at him, and Simon was listening to her scoldings without arguing.

"I said I needed some explanation from your side", she said in a louder voice. She noticed the sounds of sobbing from his side and went towards him in worry. Simon started to cry out loudly," I lost everything! Only if I'd thought more wisely, he would've exited the basement with me! My silliness risked his life in danger", he said, turning himself towards Rose and getting embraced by her in a hug.

Rose clamed him down, and Simon told him everything. He was still sobbing and cursing himself that, because of him, Robert was not here.
"Want to save Lomba?" My foot! Have a look at yourself. Are you going to save Lomba just like this? How will you manage to go there again in this shitty state? Get a hold of your emotions. This isn't something for which Robert wished before risking his life for you", Rose stood up and explained this to Simon.

"You are right; I won't let Robert's efforts go to waste", He wipes away all his tears and holds a stony expression on his face. "I want you to help me in this too. As you're currently in your mandatory service, you would have a lot, wouldn't you?", Simon stated, to which Rose agreed.

Simon turned on his laptop, and he started to type an article on it. He titled it'Black deeds of our government and the truth behind all those mysterious cases of  death.'
After finishing it, he called Rose for the final look. " Since when you became this good at writing something like this", she gave him a small compliment.

Simon posted that article on social media with an unknown account. Rose didn't have a single idea of what Simon intended to do. "If you want my help, then at least tell me what's your plan so I could even add more of my friends who are working with me", Rose added her statement, to which Simon replied," Yeah..the more brains, the easier the work gets... Call some of your friends and about the plan. ...Well, you don't have to worry about it. I've planned something that will erase this shit for ones and for all".

After some time, the article that Simon had posted became a hot topic. Every news channel was talking about this on their channel. People started to lose trust in the government. They were angry.
The article posted by Simon contained so much proof that it was hard to say that it was fake.


Everyone was in a rush, and the atmosphere in that area was not so good. Dr. James was tensed up and angry at the same time. No one dared to talk or mess up at work in front of him, as they knew his anger issues.
He headed to the chief's cabin. As he reached the door, he took a deep breath and entered.

"Good morning, sir. Did you call me? What can I help you with?", Dr. James asked while bowing his head. "' Good morning'? My foot! How can you really come here like nothing happened? Didn't you see the news? Or are you expecting me to split out what you really did", Chief was shouting at him, but James didn't utter a single word between. He knew that the chief was so angry that it would be bad if he said something bad.

"About that, we're extremely sorry about whatever happened. Just because some co-workers left the door of the basement's room open, this all happened, but no need to worry. We've expelled those workers from ODRI, and we are trying our best to settle down that topic of the article from the news as soon as possible", Dr. James said in a calm voice.

"I don't want that'try'here; just do whatever you want, but try to settle down that topic and find the person who uploaded that article. She forgave me once, but I don't know what she will do when she gets to know this", Chief stated in a scared voice.

After getting lectured by the chief for almost half an hour, Dr. James came out of the cabin while being exhausted. "Thanks to that certain someone, my whole month is going to get ruined", he told himself and made his way out.

Chief was sitting inside the cabin while being exhausted. He was about to get up from his chair, but he got the phone call. As he saw the caller ID, his mouth started to get pale, and his hands were shaking, just in seconds.... He started to get all sweaty. He took the phone in his shivering hands and picked up the call 

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