chp.4: The hidden basement

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They reached at the organization.

A man came towards them and told them to follow him. He showed them their today's schedule. Simon had to set up the old files at the first floor and Robert was told to file up the new cases at the fourth floor.

Both of them made their way towards the lift and reached at their work place. Simon was confused, so he asked someone about where was the room in which old files were kept.

After that he reached at that room and opened the door. The room....was a big mess. All those files were scattered over her and there. “ What a great thing to start up your first day of job with”, he told himself.

While he was setting up the files in order he found Henry's case file in one of them. “ Why is this over here? Shouldn't it be kept where the newly on- going case files were kept?”, he asked himself and kept that file separately. As he started to pick up the other files, he got all other files of 18 victims who were murdered at Lomba's street. He felt like something is wrong...why were they kept in a place like this? He closed the door of that room from inside... just so that no one would think that he is spying on the very first day of his job.

He started to read all those case files one by one, and he found that three things were the most common in those 19 cases (including Henry)

1] There's always a lily flower around the dead body

2] The major thing which was common is the way of how the bones were broken without any external injury.

3] Before their death, they had done a biopsy.

Police officers never mentioned these things in front of the media. Why are these files thrown away in a place like this? This all could've possibly helped to reach to that killer. All these things were running up in Simon's mind. He opened the door a little and was about to go outside, but then he heard some footsteps, and he decided to hide inside.

“ These two men...must be seniors”, he told himself while looking at their outfits. They stood beside the room in which Simon was there and started to talk with each other. It's not like Simon was hiding from them after doing a crime. He was hiding from them because they would surely suspect that why he was doing something while locking up the door from inside. Which could've created a big trouble for him.

After a little while,

one of them said,  "I am going to take resign from project lily”. The other person asked him in a surprised tone, " but why? Isn't it just soo profitable? We are getting the double amount of what we used to get paid ones.”. “ Yeah... it's good but...this is too much, isn't it? I can't see more people die any other than this and beside all this ...someday everyone will get to know about this”, he replied in a sad tone.” let it be.... I can't tell you anything if it's your choice than do whatever you want to but... don't talk about project lily just like this anywhere.even the walls have ears. So be careful”. They moved out of that place after having that chat.

Simon, who was listening to all that was shocked and confused." Project lily? What the heck is this? I bet this is somehow connected to those 19 cases”, he told himself while coming out of that room. All he was thinking about on his way at corridor was about .... Project lily. He decided to use stairs rather than lift. On his way to fourth floor....a sudden thing popped up in his mind,” wait...wait..wait...if this project is kept hidden than there must be one room or basement where they practice it.” He said to himself. Now he decided that all he need to do is to find out that specific place of their hidden research.

The whole day Simon kept his eyes on former- employees and some officials.

He witnessed that they were using a certain room often. It was so strange that how they were visiting that room with a suspicious look, wasn't it?

He saw that whenever they enter that room, they always enchant one same sentence. Which was ...' The lilies are still fresh. They are turning into different colours from white'. They were spelling out this thing inside that room just like as if it was a password or pin code of something. Which made him doubt more about that room.

He called Robert through giving him a text message, and he told him the whole thing. They both decided to go in that room in lunch break which was on the third floor. After a while they saw that no one was roaming around that room in lunch break, so they decided to go in it. As they entered inside, Simon enchanted that sentence loudly.

Not even seconds after that....they felt a little movement down in the ground and suddenly a door opened up from downside. It was something just like a basement. It was creepy, some spider nets were all over its stairs and some weird noises were coming up from inside. They were about to go inside but.... suddenly an alarm started to beep loudly out of nowhere and the doors started to get close.

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