chp.7: The Trap

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" Why ?....just why?", simon asked while looking at the view of inside that room. Both, Simon and Robert were not able to digest what they were just looking at.

That place was almost filled up with bodies.....dead bodies. God knows since when these bodies were kept here to smell this bad. Some of those bodies were already decaying while some were turned in skeletons. Not only that but it was just like a factory.
There were many big machines and Containers over there. Those machines had to function just one task.....which was removing the skin and the organs from those bodies.
Not only adults and teenagers but newborn babies were also there. Who were kept in some small container.

'Hell' ...that place was literally a hell.

Why they did this? They thought that it must be just 19 cases ....then how can these number of bodies are here?
Just by standing at that place for few minutes.....Simon had already started to feel dizzy, but he tried to manage himself. Robert was soo clueless about everything.... all he could ever see in front of him was worst to even witness in nightmare.

They erased all these things out from their brain and tried to investigate the entire room. As that room was too big that even after all those things there were few desks and computers over there....

Suddenly.... Those big containers started to shake and the lights of that room were turned off. It looked like.... something was there inside those containers...which was trying to come out. They started to scream up soo loudly that Simon and Robert were not able to handle it, and they closed their ears.

One of those computers ......turned on automatically and a Female voice came out of it. " Shh... I still have lily", Just after when she said this.... All those screams and banging were stopped....

", I've been watching you both since the last two weeks....and firstly I thought that ...what a low life like you...can even possibly do to me? But I see.... I have underestimated my enemy alot... You've got soo much guts to visit inside my place without my permission.... don't you?", Her voice was echoing in all over the room. It was damn creepy. " Just shut up! Do you even know what's humanity? How can you do this? ", Simon shouted while being all angry. " I've just took some bodies for samples from lomba...I guess. So you don't need to over react on this small thing". She told them as if killing and ripping out 19 humans was just soo normal.

"What will you even get after doing these things?", Robert asked in a loud voice. " Nope..... I am not taking anything... I am giving something this whole world", she said.
" Huh? 'Giving?' my foot! What the heck are you giving to this world by killing human!!?", Robert shouted.
" Be at your limits.... I didn't give you the permission to talk to me like that....", She replied in a serious tone.

" And do you even think that you did some efforts to come over here? Huh... It was all a trap", She said them while laughing out in a loud voice.
" Trap?" , They both were confused over what she was telling. " How the heck did you easily thought that I would have kept my place in such a condition where there is no security and where the doors are always open to welcome some worms like you? Ofc all this was just a trap...and you fool....who just got easily carried away by this ", Her creepy voice was enough to make a man get shiver.

They thought that they were keeping their eyes and trying to solve out this case....but they never knew that they were just getting in a trap. From the very beginning....when they got employed in was just a whole trap.

" better don't think that I will let you both run away from here...alive…just letting you come over here was .....alot mercy ...from my side", Just when she said that ..... The big containers started to get open.

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