Chapter 25

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.


(M/N)'s POV
I woke up in a familiar golden space filled with stars and constellations, with someone towering over me, putting me on guard. However, the familiar pair of golden hues made me relax and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh... It's just you..."

My former incarnation smiled gently as I sat up from my laying position. He then took the spot next to mine and made himself comfortable.

"So... how are you doing?" his soft voice echoed through the space.

"I'm doing pretty fine... for now," I sighed.

"I see our Dan Heng has confessed his love to you, hasn't he? Which could help you make a decision," (M/N)'s smile turned sad. "However..."

"I haven't given him a clear answer," I added with a dejected look. "...which is something he deserves after getting such an emotional confession... and a tearful outburst from him..."

"Aha... He got attached to you already..."

"Yeah, I could tell..."

"Well, all you have to remember, is that whatever decision you'll make it has to be made through the heart, not through the mind," (M/N) said, putting a hand on my chest.

"I understand."

"Good... Maybe that date with him will help you to the right decision?" golden eyes sparkled at the mention of my date with Dan Heng.

"You... You know about that too, huh..." my cheeks turned slightly pink after my former incarnation's statement.

"Hahah! Don't forget that I see everything through your eyes. Well, I'll stay until tomorrow - the day whether you've decided to stay with Dan Heng or return to your homeland..." (M/N) chuckled.

"Say, do you perhaps know why my remaining time here is so limited?" I then asked.

"I do..." (M/N) replied, "What I can tell you is that my remaining powers are fading away completely. I mean, you can stay here for longer, however when my powers are completely gone, I can no longer communicate with you or help you out. You can say that you're only source which makes you have a possibility to return home, is me. The least I can do, is to let you make a decision before I'm leaving this world for good. You wouldn't want any regrets about staying here after realising that you actually didn't want to remain here, no?"

"Yeah, you're right about that," I nodded.

(M/N) then glanced at his hands. "Though I can't use the power of teleportation, I will use the last remains of my powers stored in our bracelets to activate a portal powerful enough that it could send you to where you belong to. Then, I will join my love above the skies..."

"I see..."

I yawned, blinking my eyes a few times. (M/N) smiled softly, stroking my hair gently as he said "Maybe you should get some more sleep, it's going to be a big day for the both of you sooner or later."

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