Chapter 8

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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.

(M/N)'s POV
I stirred from my slumber, not being able to sleep any longer. I slowly tried to open my eyes, but immediately closed them due to the bright light around me. Shortly, I took a second try and slowly opened them again, only to see gold surrounding me...

"Where am I?" I muttered while rubbing my tired eyes. At the same time, though, I did not really care if someone told me where I was, because...

'It's so pretty here... and so comfortable... Makes me want to go back to sleep...'

"You're awake?" a deep but gentle voice asked.


My eyes then went to where the voice came from, and they met a pair of bright emerald orbs. They belonged to a man with beautiful but sharp facial features. His black hair looked fluffy, but his locks, which flowed down like a waterfall, were like silk.

What got my attention the most about him, was the pair of emerald horns sticking out of his head...

His outfit had a colour palette of black, white and turquoise. The material of which his clothes were made of were from great quality. His waist held some accessories, one of them being a maple leaf...

'But... wait a second...'

I slowly came to realise, to my horror, that I was being held by the same man on his lap. Too flustered to say anything, I hastily tried getting off of him, only to be pulled back by his lean arms. "Hey. Hey. Take it easy now. You just fainted. Just stay for a bit longer in my arms. Don't make it worse for your body..."

I slightly relaxed after hearing his words, but my tense body refused to fully comply to his words. Holding my head, I could still feel a faint ache on the back of my head. I closed my eyes again as I made myself comfortable in the male's arms. I felt him tightening my arms around me, as if he was afraid I'd disappear if he let me go...

"I can hold him... He's real... and alive... It's not a dream..." I heard him murmur in sheer happiness, and I could feel his body quiver.

'Is he talking about me?'

Deciding to break the ice, I carefully asked him "Do you know where we are?"

"I do. It was me who took you to this space," the male replied with a sniff. We stared at each other, gold met teary emerald, for a short time until he broke the silence. "(M/N), my love, it's you, right? Right?" the raven haired asked while caressing my cheek.

'My love? Me?'

"You...Wha-What are you talking about?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed, ignoring the slight blush on my cheeks. "Have we... met before?"

"(M/N)... (M/N)... You don't remember? It's me, love, Dan Feng. Your lover and mate for life," the person called Dan Feng said, eyes becoming glossy again as he clung to me.

His words, however, shocked me...

"Da-Dan Feng?"

"Yeah, I'm here, love. Finally... my (M/N)... you're... you're finally back. It took you so many years, dammit," Dan Feng sniffed as his tears fell from his eyes.

I was still perplexed by what came out of his lips.

'Huh? Many years? What did he mean by that? Wait a second! What did he mean that I came back?! But Dan Feng... Have I heard this name before...?'

I was so confused by his words but what overcame me a few seconds later, shocked me even more. My silver bracelet glowed brightly, but I saw something else glow at the same time from the corner of my eyes... I saw emerald... It was an emerald glow... coming from a bracelet on his left wrist - Beautifully and carefully crafted with patterns of clouds carved on the surface. The accessories hanging on the side were a pair of charms of a small white lotus and a sun...

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