44. Bedtime Stories

Start from the beginning

"We got the Colt now!"

Dean spoke in a warning tone. "Sam..."

"We can summon the Crossroads Demon..."

They shouted over each other's words, getting louder each time. Jonathan covered his ears, trying to drown them out.

"We're not summoning anything," Dean argued.

"...pull the gun on her, and force her to let you out of the deal!" Sam finished.

"We don't even know if that'll work!"

"Well then we'll just shoot her! If she dies then the deal goes away!"

"We don't know if that'll work either, Sam! All you're pitching me right now is a bunch of "ifs" and "maybes" and that's not good enough, because if we screw with this deal, you and my girls die!"

"And if we don't screw with it, you die!"

"Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation."

"Why, because you said so?"


"Well you're not Dad!"

Sam and Dean silently stared at each other.

Dean said fiercely, "No, but I am the oldest." He raised his voice. "And I'm doing what's best. And you're going to let this go, you understand me?"

Sam and Dean stared at each other angrily. Sam turned away and looked out the window. He looked angry but wasn't saying anything.

Laurey frowned and snapped, "Boys, what do you have to say to Jonathan?"

Dean glanced back at her. "Sorry for all the yelling, kiddo."

"Too woud," Jonathan said, kicking at Dean's seat.

Lauren placed a hand on his leg and shook he head.

"I know, and I'm sorry." Dean offered her a light smile before saying in a calmer tone, "Tell me about the psychotic killer. C'mon, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer."

Sam grabbed a paper from his lap and read monotonously. "Psychotic killer... rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity."

"Okay, any mention of his razor sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?"

"No. But the lunar cycle's right. Look, if it is a werewolf we don't have long, moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month."

"Two days, no sweat."


The Impala drove along highway.


Dean held up a fake badge with his photo. Dean and Sam closed their badges and returned them to their suit pockets. Kyle laid in a hospital bed with bandages and scrapes. Laurey was getting a snack for Jonathan.

"I'm Detective Plant, this is Detective Page, we're with the County Sheriff's Department," Dean said.

"Yeah, uh, I've been expecting you," Kyle replied.

"You have?"

"All morning. You are the sketch artists, right?"

Sam turned towards Dean. "...uh."

"Absolutely," Dean answered.

Sam said quietly, "Yeah."

"Yeah. That is exactly who my partner is. The things he can do with a pen..." He laughed.

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