Road Trip Four - Part 1? (Humanized) ❤️🚶

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Main Inspo: a dream that I had a little while ago


Four woke up to a shaking feeling. He looked up, and sure enough, Announcer was shaking him awake.

"Rise and shine, Four," Announcer said with a small smile.


"I've got a surprise for you, Four. Get up and ready, I've already prepared breakfast."

Four gasped. "A surprise?! Oh my - Yoylecake!"

Announcer smiled at Four and giggled.

"I remember when Bubble said that on the show. You pull it off in a unique manner."

"Me too!" said Four. "And thanks, Dad!"

"That's new."

"It sure is!"

After Four got cleaned up and ready, Announcer gave Four a bowl of cereal, two eggs, and a few strips of bacon.

He sat down across from Four and consumed his own breakfast.

"Can you guess what the surprise is, Four?"

"Hmmm... is it the book of theories about the EXIT?"

"No, but we may come across the book somewhere."

"Oh, okay. Give me a hint."

"It'll involve the old red car in the front yard of this house?"

"Ehhh... yeah. And it'll be a key factor. You may have experience with key factors if I remember correctly, Four."

"Ooooh... is it...

A road trip?"

"Correct. You get a Win Token."

Announcer pulled out an old Win Token from a tray/basket that was in his room. Or... the bedroom that he used in the house. He and Four were staying in a guest cottage in Algebralex.

Four drank a glass of milk after finishing up their breakfast, then they happily jumped out of their seat.

"We're going on a road trip! YES!!! I gotta pack my stuff!"

"Actually, Four, you don't need to worry. I packed your stuff for you. If you need it later, check the blue and purple bags. All of your stuff is split within those two bags."

"YAY! Now I don't even need to pack either!"

"That's right. Come outside with me. Because what I told you isn't ALL of the surprise."

Four lightly screeched happily as they followed Announcer to the rusty red car outside the cottage.

Announcer showed Four the bags that he had packed so that Four themselves didn't have to pack - just for later in the trip.

Four peeked in the trunk of the car and saw two familiarly colored bags - plus a lighter blue bag - a cyan bag. Announcer only packed two bags for Four, so the integer didn't know who the bag was for.

When he asked Announcer, the speaker box replied:

"Well, Four, it's... another part of the surprise. For now, I'll reveal a different surprise part..."

"Ooooh! What is it, Dad?"

"Did you see the two strangely colored bags in the trunk? The ones with colors that wouldn't usually fit me or you?"

"Of course!"

"Well, tell me who those bags belong to - but first, what colors were the bags?"

"Easy peasy! Yellow and green!"

"And I believe that my blue Four would know who those colors are usually occupying..."

Four jumped up, then after landing, he happily shouted


"Ding ding. Oh, what's that I hear?"

Announcer said without skipping a beat as he turned his head to listen to the rustling of a bush behind part of the fence.

Then, two familiar Algebraliens jumped out from behind the fence.

Announcer gasped, acting shocked.

Four, actually shocked, looked over at the Algebraliens who had appeared from the not-so mysterious back of the fence.

"X! Two! You're really here!" Four shouted happily, running towards their excited friends.

"Of course!" said X as Four ran over to hug him. "I mean, who packs perfectly good clothes and food and ditches their bags while said bags are in a car trunk?"

"Noone, that's who!" said Two as Four let go of X and hugged her. "Because who would be dim enough to do that? Not to offend anyone named 'noone'."

Two gently stroked Four's short blue hair and let go of him carefully.

Four excitedly looked at Announcer and with the most bribing-manipulative look that someone could process, said

"Can you show me the next part of the surprise now?"

"Well, Four, I will show you when we get there. The good news is that the next part of the surprise won't take that long to reveal, so cool your jets."

"Okay, Dad! I am ready for this! Well, almost! Please back up, Two and X, for I will let out a happy screechy!"

Four walked to the backyard of the cottage while X, Two, and Announcer got into the car.

When Four was in the backyard, he let out a very

He wasn't sure if anything was affected by it, but it was quite loud.

Four joined his friends and father figure inside of the car - they got in and fastened their seatbelt.

Announcer turned on the radio and adjusted the settings - mainly the volume.

He drove a short way to a light blue cottage - Six's place.

Four excitedly looked out of the windows on both sides -

He was on the left,

Two took the seat on the right,

and X in the middle,

which only lasted until Announcer invited Six to join them, to which she and X had to double up.

"What? Why can't I have the front passenger seat?" Six whined.

"Well, Six, and all others here, you're in for a treat..."

"What KIND of treat?" Six replied somewhat impatiently.

"Well... it's a road trip with some guests. Now to see who else I need to pick up..."

Six buckled up with X. They were still in shock and showed that.

"Don't worry, Six," X said. "I am sure that even with a slight lack of room, that this will be the best trip ever!"

"I'll try not to worry. Okay?"


A/N: An inspiration for this was also Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, and the other, as mentioned, was a weird dream that I had.

Strange, huh?

I may make a part 2, but I am not sure about my memory of this staying clear or my time to write this.

With the possibility of a full story, I may put all of this into a full-fledged independent book - well, actually, I'll put it in now!!!

See you there (hopefully)!

Word total: 1056

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