X visits Two 😇💙🔥

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X woke up. He felt a bit bored and decided to go to Two's house.

It had been a little while since he did that.

He knocked on Two's door.

"Oh, hi X!" said Two. "Wanna take a look at our bedroom? The walls just got repainted!"

"Yeah! Sounds awesome!"

Two led X to their bedroom.

The walls were now painted green and teal with abstract shapes.

And Eight's bed was gone.

"Where's Eight's bed?" X said.

"Eight is getting his own room," said Two. "Our parents said that it was about time to let Eight have their own space."

"Then why did you say OUR room and not YOUR room?"

"L'il Four is sharing a room with me. Mom says that when L'il Four is old enough, we'll get a bunk bed. But when Eight moves out, I get to have my own room again."

"Can I see Eight's room?"

"Sure you can, friend!"

Two and X went downstairs and went into the door to the left of the stairs.

Eight's new room.

Inside, there was a bed and dresser set up, and even a rug, but Eight was just staring at the ceiling fan.


"Eight? Earth to Eight," said Two.

"Oh! You scared me there!" said Eight.

"Hi, Eight," X said. "Two told me that you were getting your own room!"

"It's great," Eight replied. "A place to collect my thoughts - OH MY GOSH IS THAT A SPIDER?!"

Eight saw a spider on the wall. He sprayed pepper spray at the spider, knocked it to the floor with their powers, and crushed it.

"That...was one big spider," said Two.

"Yeah," X and Eight said simultaneously. Eight sighed in relief.

Just then, Two, Eight, and X heard L'il Four crying.

"Two, get in here," said Two's mom.

Two dragged X into their room.

L'il Four's crib was now in the room.

Two tried singing to L'il Four, but she screeched at him. (Yes, that ol' screech, but shorter.)

"Ever since she learned to do that, she has done it whenever angry," said Two.

"Enough, Two," said Two's mom.

"What did I do?"

"I said enough."

"Mothers, I tell you," said Two's dad. "I know that feeling. My mom was like that when I was a kid."

"X, we are busy," said Two's mom. "You need to leave."

"Alright, Mx. Idontletmykidsfriendsleepover."

"HEY! Get back here!"

"No. You told me to leave."

And so X left Two and Eight's house.

# end of short #

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