Gone Rescuin' 😇💙🔥❤️🧡

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note: this is partially about TIBOOR despite having never watched it lol

One day, Four was a little bit bored in heaven.

He decided to go ground fishing.

(Ground fishing = fishing on the ground, from the sky
Sky fishing = fishing in the sky, from the sky)

Four grabbed a fishing pole on a cloud, then they went over to an edge cloud and lowered the hook veeeeeeeeery low. *

*almost as low as his self-esteem

Then something caught the hook.

It took Four a little bit of his power to get the hook back up.

When they did, they heard muffled screaming...

He caught Blender.


Four then thought Two was up to something, considering that they were with the debuters (last he saw TPOT 1) so he zoomed down from the clouds, and to Autumn Leaf Pizza Place.

Two was sipping his banana milkshake, when all of a sudden, they heard a crash, then a screech.
They spit out their shake.

Definitely Four.

"Two... What did you do to Blender?"

"I didn't do anything! I didn't even talk to her today!"

"Are you lying?"

"I... I'll be honest with you, Four. After TPOT 1, the failed debuters, or, some of them, went to join this show called “TIBOOR”, even Blender. I haven't seen her since."

"Really?" said Four. "Where are the other debuters that joined that show?"

"Well, I spied on them after they left, and snuck after them, and found out that the show was taking place a few miles away from Yoyle City."

"Yoyle City?"

"Yeah. Five miles away from there."

"Yoyle City would be a two-hour drive... But guess who can fly?"



"Alright, alright," said Two. "I'll go with you."

Four flew through the ceiling with Two holding on, but intangibility wasn't one of Two's powers.

"Ummm, I can't go through."

"Oh. Right."

Four then flew out the door with speed, and Two holding on to their leg.

About 15 minutes later, Two and Four saw Camera angrily hopping the other direction.

"Fine," they said quietly. "I didn't wanna be in that show anyway!"

"What show?" said Two.

"What are you doing here, Two?"

"I'm looking for the place where a show called TIBOOR takes place."

"Oh! The show I was in...
It's shortly up ahead."

"Okay!" said Two.

Four flew to the area where the show was... Seemingly.

Golden Sponge was sleeping by a hole, and in this hole were...

Some of the TPOT debuters and TIBOOR contestants. They were all restrained, and they were alarmed when they saw Two.

Four used his powers to lift everyone out, and left quickly.

After getting to Two's house, or, their backyard, Four undid the tape ties on the debuters and other contestants.

The contestants thanked Two and left. (They couldn't see Four currently, only Two could.)

"Whoa! That was awesome, Four!"

"Heh heh, thanks, Two."

"You're most welcome!"

Just then, Blender fell out of the sky and broke.

Four recovered her, and she left the backyard.

Two headed to the Equation Playground.

"Aaaaand that's how it happened!"

Two said to the other Algebraliens.

"Wow," said Five. "That must've been one awesome dream!"

"Yeah!" said Ten. "I would KILL to have a dream like that!"

Everyone eyed Ten.

"Not literally!" he said.

"I know, right?" said Two. "It was awesome!"

Two winked at everyone and left...

knowing what had happened was all real.

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