Four Has a Panic Attack 🥺💜🖤

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Content warning: Panic attack, hallucinations, su!c!de, alcohol reference and thanatophobia + chronophobia (fear of d3ath and fear of the future)

Put a content warning in case you decide to jump right in.

On to the story.

Note: This takes place shortly after XFOHV


Four was tired after all of the playtime that he had with his friends.

Two and X playing with a ball, Six and Eight swinging, and Seven doing their own thing.

Four decided to rest under the tree where they found their best friend, X, under when the two of them found X's value.

He laid still for a while, as if waiting for someone or something.

Then, something in Four told them that they were in danger.

He sat up on the tree as the ground started to shake, and everyone ran out of the Equation Playground as fast as they could.

Four tried to get up...

But they couldn't move.

"What's going on? Come back! I CAN'T MOVE!"
Four shouted, then a somewhat tight feeling came over him, as if they could speak. They waved their hands around to see if anyone would help.

If it wasn't too late.

But suddenly, the ground began to open. An icky blue and black goo reached out of the grassy ground, causing all of the plants around the hole that the goo came out of to die.

Four tried to move but felt as if something was stopping him.

The goo. Of course.

It grew goopy hands and reached towards the young integer.

Four tried blasting the goo, but his powers weren't very strong.

That seemed to anger the creature.

Four cowered in their spot as the goo creature grabbed them.


Four was knocked out temporarily.

They woke up and soon realized that they were being dragged into a strange void by the goo.

"Hello? HELLO?!"

Four's parents were not far away, but away from the path of the creature.

"Excuse me!" they shouted towards their parents. "Sev! Three! HELP!"

The two seemed to look at each other and drop strange bottles on the ground simultaneously.

Four looked at them in horror.

He saw his friends next.

"Hello? Someone? Anyone? Any of you? My friends, or... not?! Please! SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP ME!"

"FOUR!" A familiar voice yelled before Four got eaten by the goo.

Four gasped and looked around from their laying down position.

Their friends were there.

"What happened, Four?" said X. "Are you alright?"

Four felt that they couldn't explain what happened to their friends.

So, he just cried.
It felt like a way to express those scary feelings.

Two looked around. He didn't know what happened, but the best idea would be to tell Four's parents.

"Come on," they said. "We have to let Four's parents know about this. For someone like Four, this isn't normal."

"You're right," said Seven. "Something must be wrong. Let's go."

The friends headed out of the Equation Playground to help their friend in need.

A/N: This story was a concept a while ago, and now it finally gets written.
Mainly because I finally have the time, ideas, and motivation for it.

And a disclaimer: the pronouns used for Two in this story are only used for and by my version of Two, not user-character accounts such as 218934s .

And that is all that I have for now.
So long!

Word total: 566

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