Equation Playground 😇💙🔥🖤

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X had pretty much nothing to do, so he went to the Equation Playground. Usually, many objects and Algebraliens are found there.

Some of the 2D and 3D shapes came to the playground.

"Hey, X!" said Rectangle.

"Hey, Rectangle!"

The two Algebraliens high-foured.

Rectangle looked around, and he stuck out his arm.

X and Rectangle did a secret handshake.

"Later, X!"

X went over to a tree and sat down.

He wanted a moment to reminisce.

He looked around, and drifted off into the past.


X went outside, following A.

"Hey there, Negative Three!" said A.

X hid behind A, and peeked out to see who A was talking to.

A big negative three, and next to the three was a small dark blue Algebralien. The Algebralien was a four.

A and Negative Three talked for a while.

Then A said, "Hey, little buddy. I want you to meet Negative Three's child...

Negative Three then said,
"Four, meet X. He's the child of A."

That was when the two met.

X was invited to Four's house to hang out.

Him and Four drew some things.

Then they left Four's room.

TW: Implications of alcohol and death mention

X and his new friend, Four, went to the kitchen. Negative Three was on the sofa. He looked dizzy.

A was passed out on the floor.

X and Four didn't understand, so they waited for B to pick up X.

Later, as X didn't remember how much time later, B came to pick him up.

He said goodbye to Four.

Then... darkness.

Four's body.

Never getting to say goodbye to him one last time.

When will that happen?

X then woke up.

Pentagon, Rectangle's best friend, was nearby.

"X?" he said. "You alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine."


"Well, actually, to be honest, I was reminiscing, and... I remembered Four..."

"Like, their death?"

"Some of it."

"Oh, okay."

Pentagon hugged X.

"Hey, X. Wanna go to Autumn Leaf Pizza Place with us?"

"Oh, sure. My schedule's clear."


So X got some pizza with Rectangle, Pentagon, and a few other shapes.

The end

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