LFTWDs Basil fic 🧡🔥🎲

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Disclaimer: LFTWDs does NOT belong to me.
It belongs to Violetskittle on Deviantart, who is Gabriela D. Covacha on YouTube.

Onto the story.

Basil got up from her bed and looked around. The idea of living in a castle was still pretty weird even though she was already there for about 4 weeks.

She still hadn't gotten used to it.

Her friends would be on their way any moment now.

Then, she heard a knock at the door.

She got up and answered it...

It was Orb.

"Hello, Orb! What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Basil! I and the rest of the Magic 8 got map notifications telling us to come here. My friends are exploring the town. I'll teleport them here."

The rest of the members of the Magic 8 were soon brought to the castle door.

All 8 went inside and followed Basil.

Basil checked her map. Sure enough, the map had the Magic 8 instructed to go to the castle. But why?

Basil then saw the map making new instructions. She and the rest of the Forest 7 were instructed to go to Yoyleland. But why?


That didn't sound good.

Small objects, that appeared to be kids, ran over to the castle. The boom? It was... part of a project?

And they somehow managed to make fake map notifications...

Basil decided that she'd get the Alliance 7 to modify the map so that fake map notifications couldn't be added, and she didn't like false alarms, either.

No false alarms for Basil, that day...
The next week...
Or anytime.

Sorry! Didn't know how to end the story. It's pretty late right now, good night 😴

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