Chapter 24

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The wind hit against Agent X's face as he walked on foot, looking around the block. He entered a small Cafe with soft music playing in the background. His feet tapped on white tiles as he went all the way to the back. Agent X sat by the table on a tall stool as he glanced at the window as he noticed a couple holding hands, imaging for a moment it was him and Casey. He lifted his hand at the brown haired waitress laced with red lipstick. "Can I get some coffee? Two sugars and one cream."

"Anything else I can get you?" The waitress asked.

Agent X smiled. "That will be all."

She nodded and walked away.

A man walked into the Cafe and sat next to Agent X. He turned to Agent X as he yanked his cell phone out and sent a text.

He eyed the waitress. "I would like some tea."

"Look at those people around you. Do you believe everything we do has meaning? Not like regular folks who work nine to five jobs were men supporting their wives and kids until they reach retirement when they are one foot already in the grave. Half of these people haven't had a taste of living on their own terms. Yet, they are stuck in a never ending cycle as the wheel keeps on spinning."

Agent X received his coffee and took a sip. "People can choose how they want to live. We all have choices to make." 

The man eyed Agent X. "Funny you should mention that."

Agent X noticed the man's sleeve lifted up exposing a dark Raven tattoo on his wrist. He had a gut feeling this guy wasn't here for small talk."Mr. Price sent you?"

"It is unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances. I admire your work for time. It is not everyday I get to meet a legend."

Agent X gave the man the death stare."It doesn't have to be this way. You can walk away and start a life of your own."

The man chuckled, drinking his tea. "I have a job to do." The man downed his tea. He reached in his pockets and pulled out his wallet. He slid a five dollar tip underneath the tea cup as a smile formed at his face.

"You never told me your name?"

He got up from the stool. "You probably heard of me by reputation." He smiled back at Agent X. "I'm Agent B."

Agent B walked out the cafe and opened the door and left. Agent X eyes squinted as his hand balled into a fist. He knew taking on Agent B won't be easy. A part of his heart fluttered up knowing Casey and Hugo's lives were in danger. There was one course of action. Agent B had to be dealt with. 

Agent X dialed his cell phone. "Hugo, pick up." The phone kept on ringing. 

Agent X ran to his car and drove to Hugo's place at a high speed on the highway. He made a wide turn on the road. As the engine roared, his foot pressed hard on the gas pedal. Agent X turned the wheel hard to the right and left, swaying away from the cars in front of him.

Agent X parked the car by the carb. He got out of the car and bolted to the house armed with his hand gun. Agent X pointed his gun side to side as he entered a room witnessing Hugo tied to a chair drenched in blood with deep bruises. His eyes swollen like golf balls. Hugo nudged his head up at Agent X. 

"They took her." Hugo coughed. 

Agent X was about to remove the rope that bound Hugo when he saw a timer on a bomb that counted two minutes. Agent X looked at the nearest window as he pulled Hugo out of the room in quick motion. 

From the outside, Agent B was watching the events on fold as he took out the detention device. "Like fish in a barrel." His thumb hovered the red button at the center. Agent B pressed the device as Hugo's home exploded. 

Agent X Dark DescentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon