Chapter 19

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The gunman turned his head buckling his seat belt. "Cypher is gone. I thought the old man would be alone. Who was that man that was with him?" The gunman injected himself in the neck with an orange vial of Zela drug as he cracked his neck to the side.

Alicia clenched her teeth. "Agent X."

The gunman turned to Alicia while his eyes bulged. "Wait, that was him?This isn't what I signed up for. Where are you taking me?" 

"Quiet." Alicia sighed as she picked up her cellphone as it rang three times.

"Cypher is dead." Alicia drove her car in the middle of the road, resting her cell phone on the charging port while putting on bluetooth.

"And what of Agent X?" Deshed asked.

Alicia sighed. 

Deshed tapped his fingers at his desk. "He is supposed to be dead, Alicia. I had expected the task to be done with clear precision. 

"If you give me another chance, I won't let you down."

"No, I will leave this task to more capable hands."

Alicia raised her eyebrows."Casey? With all due respect, can you truly trust her?"

"Need I remind you where I found you. You were living in the streets. I took you in, fed you and gave you purpose. I suppose we will find out where her loyalty lies. Meet me at the Complex. I want you to pick up and deliver a package for me."

Alicia scrunched up her nose turning her wheel of the car. "What's in the package?"

"Just meet me there." Deshed ended the call.

"Come pick a package for me," Alicia said in a mocking tone. 

"Sounds like the boss has it in for you," The gunman looked straight ahead of the road.

Alicia rolled up her eyes. "I didn't ask for your input."

"Are you always uptight?"

"Say another word and you find yourself at the bottom of the creek."

"You don't scare--"

Before he said another word, Alicia punched the gunman in the throat as he struggled for breath and coughed.

"Now, you will do as I say for here on out. And if I get a hint of defiance, you're finished." Alicia pulled over on the curb of the road.

"Get the hell out of my car." Alicia hit the unlock button on the doors.

The gunman left the car as he slammed the door. He walked up the street with a frown on his face as he gripped his hand. Alicia drove off picking up speed.

The gunman went up to his apartment complex. He walked through the hallway approaching a white door. He pulled out his silver key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He switched on the light switch adjacent to the wall. As he tread through the room with a twenty gallon tank embedded into the wall that had African Cichlid fish with yellow, blue and red color. A black cat rubbed against his leg and meowed.

"Hey, Jax, I'll get your food." The gunman petted his cat.

The gunman reached for a black plastic bowl and a bag of Cat Chow from the cabinet. He poured the food in the bowl and placed it on the floor as the cat moved toward it and ate while purring.

As the gunman walked into the living room, his eyes widened at the sight of Agent X, sitting on a black leather cough, pointing a gun at the gunman's head. 

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