Chapter 7

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"You got some death wish!" Deshed said in an angry tone. "Do you have any idea who I am? I made you!"

"A dead man if you don't pull over," Agent X said with a cold distant tone, gripping his steering wheel, holding back the urge to shoot him without putting Casey in danger. "I don't have any problems clipping you. If I were you, I would reconsider your position. You can die fast or die slow and painfully. And, if anything happens to Casey, you won't have enough men to protect you."

Agent L took the cell phone from Deshed. "We still have a score to settle, brother!"

"Let's face facts, Agent L, you can never beat me, not even on your good days and you always be second best," Agent X said, rubbing it in.

"When I get my hands on you, I'll show who is better!" Agent L, said in an angry tone. "I will kill you!"

"That's if you can," Agent X said to add salt to injury.

Deshed took the phone back."You are just one man, Agent X. Like I said before, the agency is everywhere. Did you really think that you were the only one I created, Agent X. You were just a prototype, an end to a means. And as such, can be replaced. Farwell, Agent X."

Deshed drove off escaping with Casey as five cars in the middle of the road picked up speed behind Agent X and one of them opened fire. Agent X ducked his head down from his steering wheel, while aiming his gun firing back.

Agent X clamped down his teeth, swirling to the side."It's not over, Deshed, I will hunt you down!"

Agent X drove faster trying to evade his attackers. He saw the bridge up ahead as an idea popped in his head. The strategy was to lure his would-be trained killers into a trap. Agent X meshed down hard on the accelerator, making a wide curve in the left line while heading straight for a narrow drawbridge that opened up. More gunfire was exchanged adding more holes to the car. Agent took a breath, as he turned the steering wheel in quick motion. He attempted to fire back his gun, realizing the gun was empty. His enemies drove in closer as Agent X kept on driving forward. He pushed one car to the side, causing a massive collision with two other vehicles. One car rammed Agent X's back bumper that made his body jerked from the impact.

The gravity of his situation got worse and the two other cars were still on Agent X's tail. A car bumped into Agent X's back bumper, denting it beyond recognition. The Path was clear and Agent X had one shot of pulling off his improvised plan. As the drawbridge moved into an upward trajectory, Agent X floored the car fast into the áir, reaching the other end of the bridge without falling deep in the waters. When the other vehicle tried their best to emulate Agent X's move, it fell deep into the waters and other cars stopped feeling the jaws of defeat.

Agent X sighed, knowing that he escaped that dangerous situation. His main objective was to save Casey and to end Deshed and the shadow Raven agency. But first, he had to find supplies to carry out his mission and a new set of wheels. About 10 miles away Agent X stopped at a gun shop. He got out of the car and walked toward the entrance. A bell alarm went off when Agent X pushed the glass door forward. Walking in the aisle, seeing M16, pistols, and semi-automatic guns plastered on the wall. The room smelled of stale smoke from cigarettes. Agent X noticed the small white camera that was in the far left hand corner of the aisle.

Agent X approached the desk of a middle-aged man with a gray and black beard with callous hands, chewing gum, and looking through a magazine on different rifles. He looked at Agent X.

"What can I do for you?" The gun dealer asked, closing up his magazine.

Agent X gazed at the black Glock and the M9 Beretta encased in a glass table. He pondered for a moment, deciding on what to go far. "How much is the Glock going for?"

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now