Chapter 3

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It was the afternoon. Casey's car idled as she shifted her car from hybrid to electric at the stop light just to save on gas. Agent X was quiet, staring at the road, thinking about the encounter he had with Agent L not remembering who he was. Agent X pondered on why Agent L was hell bent on killing him, while still trying to process everything from his past. After a long hour on the road, Agent X and Casey arrived at Lakewood Drive. Casey parked her beat up car off the curb behind a black BMW. Agent X looked down at the paper and looked back up at the white house with the matching numbers eighty-nine. He turned to Casey. "You have done a lot for me; I don't know how to repay you."

"It's nothing. Besides we make a great team," Casey said, getting out of the car. Agent X followed her lead.

Agent X and Casey walked up the wooden steps of the white house. Agent X knocked at the door three times. He stepped back as someone was unlocking the door.

"Can I help you," an older man asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for Jared Grimsby," Agent X said.

"And who might you be?"

"My name is Federal Agent Xavier Watson," Agent X said and this is Agent Casey Penny we have reason to be there has been a series of murders in Washington and was hoping we can speak with Jared. May we come in?"

"You two don't look like Fed's," the man said.

"We have reason to believe that Jared might know something of the murders that took place in Washington," Casey said "We just have a few questions to ask, and we will be on our way."

"Okay, come in," the man said as he widened the door.

Agent X and Casey followed the man in the hall as they entered a room. Jared Grimsby was on his black laptop sipping on his coffee from a brown table.

"Jared, you have guests that want to speak with you, 'I'll leave you too, alone," the man said, closing the door.

Agent X walked up to Jared's desk. "Jared, I was hoping you could help me out."

Jared looked up as his eyes bulged at the realization of Agent X presents. "Agent X? I had no idea it was you. What brings you here? And who is the lovely lady here?"

"Casey Cook. I used to work for the Raven Agency." She extended her hand.

Jared clamped on her hand with a gentle handshake. "Nice to meet you. And how did you and Agent X meet?"

"That's complicated." Both Agent X and Casey said it at the same time, while glancing at each other.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"I was sent here by Nelson. He said you would know something of my past," Agent X said.

"I'm afraid I can't help you," Jared said.

"Why not?" Agent X asked, staring at him.

"The information I have on you is gone. The Raven Agency erased any clue of your former life. They made sure to cover their tracks on Project Dark Descent."

"What can you tell me about the project?" Agent X inquired.

Jared cleared his throat. "I'll start from the beginning. Two years ago, the Raven Agency selected five young subjects for experiments. You were one of the five. Trained in hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. Military strategists, and stealth. Even given advanced abilities to carry out missions that were deemed classified."

"Where are the other four like me? What kind of missions did they send us on?" Agent X asked, probing deeper for answers.

"The other four I can't say what happened to them," Jared said while drinking his coffee.

Agent X Dark DescentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora