Chapter 2

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"Now, it is my turn!" Agent X rolled down the passenger side window, peeking his head through the opening of the passenger side, and fired at the first black car that was chasing them on the open thruway. He aimed for the front two tires with complete accuracy, causing the black car to spin out of control, colliding with the other cars. One black car dodged the collision and kept on pursuit.

"Did we lose them?" Casey asked in a frantic tone.

"Drive faster!" Agent X fired his gun at the car that was moving to the side.

Casey lips curled."I don't want to die! Do something!"

Casey felt the impact when the black car rammed them hard to the side, pushing closer to the rails. Agent X's eyes glared at the driver in contempt. "Oh, I got something for you. You picked the wrong day to mess with me." Agent X picked the spare grenade he brought with him after killing one of the guards from the Raven Headquarters. He pulled the pin, threw the grenade at the driver side, shattering the glass, and landed on his lap. The driver looked down and screamed as the car exploded as a big trailer truck slammed into it on the opposite lane.

Casey glanced back briefly at the destruction of the road behind her. Her hands were still shaking. A part of her felt relieved she was saved by Agent X. She was dead focusing on getting as far from the main road as possible without the Raven Agency breathing on her neck. Agent X was razor-sharp and vigilant, making sure they weren't followed again. Deshed goons were nowhere to be found.

"Are you okay?" Agent X asked in a calm tone.

"Okay? I almost got killed!"

"And you are alive. At least, say thank you for saving your butt back there,"Agent X said in a teasing tone.

She punched him in the arm.

Agent X gave a puzzled expression."What was that for?"

"I know a place where we can crash at night. It's a cabin that is not that far from here. I'll take you to Lakewood Drive by morning.The cabin is a safe spot not even the Raven Agency knows about it."

"How long have you worked with them?"

"Seven years."

"I still don't understand why they are trying to kill me and it doesn't make any sense."

"Do you remember anything at all from your former life?"

"No, I'm drawing a blank. What do you know of me?"

"Based on my records, you were a highly trained killing machine sent on various missions to kill targets."

"How many people died by hand?"

Casey paused feeling uneasy with the question.

"How many?"He turned to her. "Tell me."

"Two hundred and eighty-two."

"I don't remember doing any of that."

"It is because they erased your memory to cover their tracks."

"They took my life and turned me into a monster. I didn't ask to be this way."

"Hey." Casey reached for his cold hand. "You're not a monster, Agent X. Besides, you saved my life back there."

Agent X kept the same calm demeanor as he tried to hide his true emotions. "How far is the cabin?"

Her hand left his and placed it back on the steering wheel."About five miles. It is not far. On the way, I will stop to get some gas."

After traveling forty-five minutes, they arrived at the secluded cabin in the boondocks surrounded by grass and trees. Agent X noticed a male brown deer with antlers eating grass. It looked up at the headlights and took off out of fear as the car pulled up on the gravel. Casey and Agent X got out of the car. It didn't take long until Casey gucked at the vehicle and still couldn't get over the fact Dashed agents came close to total her car with the back bumper smashed up and dented and same for the passenger side that was complimented with multiple bullet holes. She sighed in defeat swallowing what was left of her pride.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now