Chapter 26

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The sound of the black door budged forward. The Raven Agency was occupied with six new members, talking among themselves. Mr. Price hobbled his way to the center of the table as other members gazed in silence at his cold distant eyes layered with pain and contempt. Mr. Price sat down as he sighed looking at the monitor that showed six image footage of Agent X's last sighting. His stern look spoke volumes among the group, bringing forth a chill. Any wrong sentiment would be the end of their short existence.

"Any word on Agent B?" Mr. Price asked.

West turned his attention from the monitor to face Mr. Price. "We lost communication with him forty-eight hours ago."

"Then that could mean one thing. It is time to activate the sleeper agents to put an end to our problem." Mr. Price pressed on his black tablet.

Darvas flipped a black pen. "We haven't had a need for them for twenty years. The files on them are long gone. Erased from archive."

Mr. Price folded his hands on the table. "You don't worry about that. Is there anything useful you want to share?"

The members of the council looked among themselves. Jared pulled a surveillance photo of Templar. 

"When did you receive this?" Mr. Price asked.

"Two days ago, Sir." Jared zoomed in
on Templar's address.

Mr. Price's cell phone rang. "Yes."

"I want my money."

"Who is this?" 

"One of your agents came all this trouble to find me." The man slapped a guy with a bloody bruised face as his hands and arms were outstretched by a rope. "Agent T ring any bell? Is this Deshed?"


The man sighed frowning."I was promised a large sum of money."

"What's your name?"


"Byran Fulton."

Mr. Price smirked. "We have a lot to discuss. I am sending someone to pick you up in an hour." Mr. Price ended the call.

Mr. Price got up from his chair. 

Jared raised his eyebrows. "Sir?"

"I'm leaving. I have a personal matter to attend to. Brief me on all the intel you have on Agent X to my file."

As the door opened and closed, Mr. Price strolled through the hallway taking an elevator to the ground floor. He strode toward a car and got in the back seat. 

"Driver, take me home. Driver?"

The Driver nodded as he started the car and left the parking lot. The Driver turned the wheel entering the road as the engine roared. Out of the blue, a car sped from the side of the driver as a man pulled out his gun and shot the driver in the head as the car careened against a pole by impact. Mr. Price struggled and pushed against the seat as the doors were locked. Mr. Price yanked against the handle. Agent X stood at the side of the car with his gun pointed at him.

"Don't bother to use your cell phone; a jammer has been activated."

"You caused me a lot of grief." Mr. Price sighed, feeling like a cornered fox.

"Sending goons to harass people. That's a new low from the leader of Raven Agency. I want what you have taken from Hugo."

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

Agent X squinted his eyes as he pulled his gun back and yanked out a black small device. "Oh, you want to play games. Okay, I can play too. There is a bomb under the car. Once I press this button: Boom." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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