Chapter 10

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Agent X drove up to the designated area, while finding an open parking spot. There was nobody else on site. He turned off the ignition, gazing at Casey as she unbuckled her seat belt. Agent X read her body language from the way she perched up her lips and the nerves twitch from her hands.

"Are you alright?" Agent X inquired while closing the car door.

Casey walked on the sidewalk. "No."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He followed behind her on the grass. 

She sighed. "I rather not let's get this over with."

"Obviously, something is bothering you."

She sucked in her teeth."Don't you get tired of killing? Do you ever wonder there is more to life than murder?"

He halted. "I didn't ask for this life. I was forced into it and I don't even know who I am. We both know who is to blame for that."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Agent X clamped his fist with a frown looking straight ahead. "Come on, Jared is waiting for us."He knocked on the door. Jared opened the door looking around his surroundings making sure no else was around.

"Come inside," Jared said, looking around the corner, waving Agent X and Casey to enter inside a shady house.

"What's the problem?" Agent X asked, grabbing a chair.

"My sister Alica. Deshed kidnapped her," Jared said in a serious tone.

"Oh, no I'm sorry," Casey reached for his shoulder.

Jared stepped back and took up an empty Mason jar and choked against the wall. Casey gasped with her hand covering her mouth. 

"I know you're worried about her. What do you want me to do?" Agent X inquired.

Agent X knew that Deshed was up to his old tricks in recreating Project Dark Descent, making a new breed of assassins like Alicia.

Jared stared at Agent X with intense eyes. "I want to find my sister. Can you help me?"

"I will see what I can do," Agent X said.

Jared reached for Agent X's shoulder. "Thank you, I am in your debt."

"Do you know if she had any friends?" Agent X asked, checking for leads.

"No, she kept to herself," Jared said. He passed a small black notebook to Agent X.

Agent X opened the notebook and skimmed through the pages until he discovered the Raven sketched in black ink. He rubbed the impression of the numbers as he closed his eyes. Flashes a memory floated into his mind from the Raven Institute. 

"Earth to Agent X, '' Casey said, snapping her fingers.

"Does he normally go into a trance?" Jared asked, feeling puzzled.

"Not like this," Casey said as she shook Agent X.

Agent X opened his eyes. "I know where to find her."

A red dot circled Jared's head through a window. Agent X pushed Jared and Casey on the floor out of sight from the shooter. Two bullets breached the window as the glass shattered all around them. Agent X looked up at Jared when the bullet had penetrated his skull with blood seeping through. His brown lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling. Casey shook in terror with her hands on the floor boards.

"He's gone," Agent X said in a cold tone. "Stay here." He got up crouching down heading for the door, pulling at his gun.

The door opened as he ran close to the corner. Agent X saw a man moved from the shadows from a neighboring house. He ran in pursuit of the gunman. As the gunman turned around, he fired his gun at Agent X. Agent X had dodged and fired back hitting the person's leg as he screamed.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now