Chapter Fifteen- Moving In

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Amiria's POV
My worst nightmare has come true, I'm moving back in with Alessandro. Only thing about moving back in with Alessandro is that, me and him have to share a room. And I literally sleep in a shirt and underwear. I'm not going to be able to feel my legs tomorrow. "I don't see what your bugging about" Hope said "Hope I'm want to feel my legs tomorrow okay, If I'm sleeping with a tee shirt on with a pair of thongs. I'm not going to feel my legs" I said sitting on the couch. We are currently at Alessandro penthouse, I didn't have that much stuff, Allen and Delilah are sleeping in their room, while the guys are at the warehouse. "You want s pair of my normal underwear?" Hope asked "Are we even the same size" I asked "Probably I mean I did fit your Shirt and pants" Hope said.

                 Amiria's Outfit Above"Girl it is not that bad, just chill out" Hope said turning back to the TV

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

                 Amiria's Outfit Above
"Girl it is not that bad, just chill out" Hope said turning back to the TV. We're currently watching Scream, the first one. "Your not helping me solve my problems" I said "Girl you act like you don't want Alessandro fuckin you" Hope said, she isn't lying, me and Alessandro haven't had us time, in a while. "Okay but that not the point, you know how many lingerie I have, in that closet" I said "What are you a stripper?" Hope asked "I was going to be, but then I had Delilah, then I met Alessandro" I said truthfully. "We're back" Antonio said "Stop being so the loud the kids are sleeping" Hope said "You so bossy" Antonio said "and your annoying as hell" Hope said getting up and going to the kitchen. "What's crawled up her ass" Romeo asked "Nothing we were just talking, she pissed at the movie" I said "Talking about what" Romeo asked "Periods" I lied "Your lying you said that to fast" Alessandro said walking into the penthouse. "Nope I'm totally fine" I said, nope I'm panicking on the inside, I hope he doesn't go in our closet. "Actually I need to get something" I said getting up and going towards me and Alessandro room. I tried closing the door but Alessandro came in the room. "Why are you so paranoid" Alessandro asked sitting on the edge of the bed. "Am not I just have to organize some stuff in the closet. "And I need to ban you from going to Victoria Secret" Alessandro said smirking. "I'm not wearing that for you so don't even try it." I said "Fine you look better when I'm fuckin you naked on our bed" Alessandro said getting up, and walking towards me.
----------------------Time Skip---------------------------
"Mommy I had the best playdate ever with Sarah" Delilah said sitting in the couch. Sarah is Delilah's best friend, ever since we left Alessandro. "I'm glad you did Daisy" I said giving her a bowl of fruit. "I have being  Done" Alessandro said walking in from the basement door. "That sounds like a you problem daddy" Delilah said watching TV. "You have your mother attitude" Alessandro said giving me a peck on the lips. "She does not" I said turning the stove off, then I heard Allen screaming. I shouldn't be running in heels, but I literally ran to his room. "What's wrong!?" I asked "I hurt my finger" Allen said crying. "Let me see" I said grabbing his hand. He had a nasty cut on his pointer finger. "Allen how did you do that?" Alessandro asked, Allen pointed to the broken picture frame of me and Alessandro. "Baby when did you get that?" I asked cleaning his finger. "Because you and daddy have been hanging out with Delilah more then me, so I grabbed this picture" Allen said looking down. I look up at Alessandro, "Buddy why didn't you tell us?" Alessandro asked "Because I thought you guys would get mad" Allen said with tears forming in his eyes. I stand up, and picked Allen up. "Allen if you were sad, you should've told us, we wouldn't get mad at you for expressing your feelings" I said, then Alessandro took Allen from my arms, and whisper something in his ear, and Allen started giggling. "Sorry to break up this little moment but Alessandro your parents are here" Antonio said "Oh shit" I said.

We go to the living and Isabella brings me into s tight hug. "I'm kicking your ass Alessandro" Isabella said "Nonna feisty" Allen said wiggling out of Alessandro arms and running towards Isabella. "Hi my baby" Isabella said kissing Allen forehead and hugging him. I notice Lorenzo smiling but when he made eye contact with me, he started frowning. Instead of feeling mad, I went up to him and hugged him. "I kinda missed your coldness towards me Enzo" I said, surprising he hugged me back. "I missed you too" Lorenzo said, I pulled away to see Delilah looking mad. "Lilah what's wrong" I asked "I don't want to be here" Delilah said "Excuse me" I said walking towards her. "Why are we forgiving him, when he kicked us out" Delilah said pointing towards Alessandro. "Delilah we don't say that say sorry" I said "No" Delilah said "Delilah I'm serious, why are you acting like this?" I asked "Because I hate this family!" Delilah yelled "Say apologize to your mother" Alessandro said "No your not my father!" Delilah yelled running upstairs. "What's crawl up your daughter ass" Romeo asked "Shut the fuck up" Alessandro said "I'll go talk to her" Isabella said giving me Allen. "Mommy are you ok" Allen asked putting his hands on my cheeks, making me look at him. "I'm fine baby" I said but my voice cracked. Allen wiggled out of my arms, and grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the couch. "Sit mommy" Allen said trying to push me done. I sat down, and that's when the tears starting falling. "Daddy mommy's crying" Allen said, I didn't even feel Alessandro wrapped his arm around me. "It's okay Love" Alessandro  said "Damn What the duck going on with her" Antonio asked "Delilah said she hates this family and Alessandro" Romeo said. I hate fucking crying, like I'm weak. "I'm fine" I said wiping my eyes, and getting up. "I tried talking to her, she wouldn't listen" Isabella said "Mommy" Allen said about to cry. Everytime he sees me crying, he feels sad and starts crying. I picked him up, and started wiping his tears. "It's okay baby, I'm fine" I said giving him a kiss on the forehead. "Can we go for a walk? We did that all the time, when we are sad" Allen said "Sure let me change my outfit" I said, I wasn't going to walk in heels. Allen jumped into Alessandro arms, and I went upstairs, with Isabella following me. "Don't think I'm letting you wear something  that's not going to keep you warm" Isabella said.

--------------------Author's Note-----------------------
So I'm dumb, this story takes place in New York not Italy. I think I had Isabella or Lorenzo say that. This is why I need to edit this story, but I'll edited it after I'm done with it. But I feel bad for Amiria, but Delilah yelling at Alessandro, I could never. I only yell at my father when he yelling at me.

You were Already Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें