Chapter 16- The Taste of a Lost Love

Start from the beginning

A few tears are running down Zoey's cheeks, and she quickly wipes them away.

"Yes, well." She swallows, "It's not like that anymore."

"Why can't it be?" I ask her, moving forwards to put my hand on her arm. "Zoey, what have you got against Pierce?"

I watch as her face relaxes, and I can see her contemplating telling me whatever's weighing on her mind.

But after a few moments her face hardens, and she turns to look at me.

"I can't tell you." She says, "Because the more you know the more you're at risk."


"No." She stops me, "Just do your job and I'll do mine."

I swallow. I just want to kiss her.

"Okay." I nod, respecting her wishes. "We're off at first light, but first, I need your help with something."

"What is it?" She asks, eyeing me with caution.

"Well, I'm not as lucky as you." I tell her, gesturing to her clothing. "I need a suit."

"What do you mean?" She asks in confusion.

"Will you help me get one?" I ask hopefully. If we all die in this battle, I'd like one last memory of her and I doing something together.

I can see her hesitate, but eventually she nods.

"Just tell me what you need."

~ ~ ~

An hour later Zoey and I are back in Washington.

"We'll meet up with you guys after." I say into the intercom on my wrist.

"Just make sure you're here on time." Fury huffs from the other end.

"Noted." Zoey says into the communication line.

My heart beats a little faster just hearing her voice, just like old times.

I can't see her, but she's here.

I look up at the Smithsonian Museum, making my way around the back and jumping up to one of the wide window ledges.

The place isn't open yet, the early morning sun peeking out over the horizon of buildings.

"Okay." I say to Zoey, now just the two of us on the intercom. "I'll sneak in and turn off the alarm in the exhibition, then I'll give you the all-clear to-"

"Steal your suit." She cuts me off with a groan, "I know the plan, Rogers. Just be ready to meet me."

"Okay." I reply, "I'm going in now."

I use my shield to break the lock off the window, opening the glass and entering the building, keeping to the shadows as I make my way to the security office.

I pass an open doorway leading to one of the larger exhibits. I take a smoke grenade out of my pocket, throwing it far into the large dark room.

After a few moment I hear a small beep far off into the exhibit, before smoke starts erupting from inside.

I continue on my way to the office, hearing voices behind the door. I move back into the shadows behind a corner as two of the three guards hurry past me to see what's disrupting their museum.

I sneak into the room, seeing one last guard with drool on his face, gazing sleepily at the screens on the security cameras.

He's obviously just been woken up, and I suppress a smile when he falls back asleep, his head heavily hitting the desk once more.

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