38. Let her go 🇨🇦

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(Draco's Pov)
Her head jolted up, and she had this face of sheer panic.

Oh shit.

"What?" She said.

"We've been really close, and there's a lot of tension between us. I really like you, and I feel like you like me too. Why not make it official?"

"Draco I'm sorry, but no."
My heart froze.

"No?" I said.

"I love you but n-"
"What the fuck Liliana?" I yelled.
"Listen, I really don't want a-"

"The only girl I've kissed, shagged, hung out with, and held hands with is you for months. And I know the same goes the other way around. So why shouldn't we just date?" I said.

Tears formed in her eyes, but I didn't care.
"Don't fucking cry. Give me an answer."
"Draco please don't be angry with me. I swear I love you, so much. But I really can't dat-"

"See this is why I never had genuine relationships. I knew shit like this would happen. You proved me right, and now I know not to make a mistake like that again." I said.

"No our friendship is real. Draco don't say things like tha-"
"I knew I shouldn't have opened up to you, I knew I should've stayed cold. And now I have to pay the price." I said

"It's not like that." She said.

"Get out." I said.
"What?" She said back.

Her voice trembled, and I watched as a tear fell from her eye.

"Don't sleep in the same bed as me, and then tell me you don't wanna date me. I feel fucking used." I said.

"That's not true at all Draco. I don't understand why you can't accept that I'm not ready for a relationship."

"Bullshit. Liliana we are in a relationship.
Everything we do is relationshipy!" I said.

"Draco I don't wanna date you right now.
I get your point, but I really ca-"

"You're a slut. You and Lucas broke up, and you were so desperate for male attention. But you don't talk to anyone so you got it from me. You never cared did you?" I said pissed.

"I do care Draco."
"Liliana, get out."

"Draco you've got it all wrong."
"Just get out!" I said.

"Draco it's like 12am." She said.
"I don't care. This is my dorm and I'm telling you to leave." She said.

She got off the bed, and I threw her close at her. She put them back on, and walked to the door. She then looked back at me.

"Draco I'm so sor-"
"Just get out." I snarled.
She left the room, and the door shut.

(Liliana's Pov)
Holy fucking shit.
I don't know how to feel.

Draco wants to date me, and yes that makes me happy. But theres no point if I'm gonna be leaving. And that makes me really, really upset.

I love him more than anyone else in this world. And of course I would've said yes, but long distance is difficult.

But the way he reacted when I said no was scary. He looked pissed, I haven't seen Draco like that ever.

Sure we used to fight a lot, but that was different. Today he was actually mad. Not an annoyed mad, or pretend mad. He was genuinly upset.

But I'm mad too. He had no regards for what I felt, he called me a slut. He said I was using him, and desperate. And he didn't even let me defend myself.

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