13. Mirror of Erised🪞

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(Lily's Pov)
I don't fully forgive Draco, but I see the desperation in his eyes.

Classes went by, and we walked to his dorm.

"I'll take that for you."
He took my backpack off, and put it on his armchair.

"That was surprisingly nice of you."
"You think I have no manners?" He said.

"I'm a gentleman." He said.
"Yeah okay." I said.

"My mother always taught me to be good towards women."

"And your idea of being good to women is playing girls without caring who you hurt?
Being disrespectful? Leading them on?"

"Those traits came from my father."
"What do you mean?"
"More false ideas I can't to get rid of." He said.

"Like what?" I asked.
"Stop tricking me into telling you about myself. Liliana we came here to learn the patronus."

"Fine." I said.

"Where do we start?" He asked.
"You need a new memory, this time don't relate it to um-"

"My parents being happy together?" He asked.
"God you're so blunt."
"I'm not blunt, I've just accepted it." He said.

"Yes. A memory that's strictly happy."
"I don't know." He said.
"What makes you happy Draco?"

He shrugged.
"You can't think of anything that brings you joy?"
"Why are you scolding me?" He said.

"Who are the people who make you happy?"
"My mother, friends." He said.

"That's a start. Think of a happy memory with your friends. Your mother might trigger your father, and we don't want that."

Minutes passed, and he was silent.

"Give me an example. What are your happy memories?" He asked.

It was concerning that he needed an example of a happy memory.

"Birthdays are always good memories for me."
"I don't think I have any memories like that."
"No good birthdays?" I asked.

"During my good birthdays my family was still a family." He said.
"What about your friends?" I asked.
"We go out." He said.

"Use one of those memories. Where do you go go out?" I asked.

"Clubs, restaurants, shops." He said.
"Who's your best friend?" I asked.
"I don't have a best friend." He said.

"Um okay, what are some places that bring you comfort. Or activities you like?" I asked.

"I know." He said.
He held his wand up, and swung it.
A light shot out of his wand, and started to grow. Suddenly it died down.

"It grew a bit." I said.
"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, now do it again, same memory." I said.
He spent the next ten minutes trying the charm.
It would grow to a decent size, but fail.

"Fuck!" Yelled Draco.
He punched his bed, and sat down.

He stared at the floor, and I sat next to him.
"How about we try a new memory? Think of one that's even happier." I said.

He stood up, and closed his eyes. He waved his wand, and a light shot out again. It seemed a bit stronger this time. It hung in the air a bit longer, and then died again.

"Keep going with that one for a bit." I said.
He kept on going, and I went through my potions notes. I needed to study too.

20 minutes passed, and he stopped.

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