5. Presentation 🦌

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(Lily's Pov)
October 6th
My stomachs been in knots all day.
Today was presentation day.

I feel like I'm gonna throw up. I took an anxiety pill right after potions. I'm relying on it to keep me calm.

Suddenly I heard a buzz.

Message from Amelia:
You got this! I may not be there to cheer you on in person, but I'm there in spirit.
Love you! Keep me updated and good luck!

Amelia's been hyping me up all day.
I'm grateful for her.

I got into DADA, and sat in the very back of class. I realized there was a backpack on the chair next to mine, immediately I recognized it.

But it doesn't matter, I need this seat.

Draco walked in, and narrowed his eyes at me. He then walked over, and sat next to me.

"You couldn't have sat anywhere else?" He said.
"You think I wanna sit next to you?
Why don't you move." I said.

The tables were in rows, and we were sat at the back corner by the window. Only two fit each table, and I was now stuck with Draco.

"I was here first Liliana, why would I move?"

"Presenting makes me nervous, and it's easier for me if I sit at the back. Once my presentations over I can sit down where no one will see me." I said.

"The table in the back left corner is free, sit there." He said.

"This one's by the window, and looking outside, and fresh air helps me relax." I said.

"Well I'm not moving." Said Draco.
"Neither am I." I said.

I sighed, and got my cue cards out.

Draco being next to me is either a really good, or a really bad thing.

If he leaves me alone, and let's me do what I need, it's a good thing. Because it's Draco, I'm comfortable around him.

I've talked to him a lot, even if it's just been fighting. Any of the other students next to me would stress me out more.

I don't want them to judge the way I practice.
I don't want them to wonder why my legs shaking, why I'm dripping with sweat.

Draco already has this terrible impression on me, so I'm okay with doing whatever my body needs, to relax myself.

Draco being next to me could also be terrible.
I don't want him to start talking, and worry me even more.

I cleared my throat, and started reading my cue cards out loud.

"My patronus is a doe, and this represents many things. The main thing a doe represents, is love and protection. And-"

"Love and protection eh? That explains why you always defend Lucas." Said Draco.

I ignored him.

"People with a doe patronus are usually very protective of their close relationships, and love really easi-"

"Sounds accurate. Even though he treats you like shit, you still love him. Go on." Said Draco.

I can't give in to him.
"Those who have a doe patronus are also seen as gentle, and observant."

I paused, and Draco was silent.

"These are some of the positives of this patronus, but there's always a negative."

I stopped again, and Draco was doodling on a paper. I guess he was done interrupting.

"People with a doe patronus, can also be flighty. This means that that they are a bit thoughtless, and even seen as irresponsible."

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