15. The Dance ❄️💃🕺

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(Lily's Pov)
Half an hour passed, and I was still sat here.
I promised Amelia I would dance, but I didn't.

The music changed to a slow song, and I physically felt sick.

Lucas and I should be dancing right now.
As if he heard me, he stood up with Marissa.

I watched as they walked to the dance floor, and started slow dancing.

My throat itched, and I was ready to leave.
But something told me to stay, and watch them.

I wanted to see how far they would get.
If they kissed I wouldn't know what I'd do.

I'm trying to mentally prepare, but I can't.
He spun her around, and put his hands on her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and leaned in closer. I prayed with everything I had that they don't kiss.

Suddenly I saw Amelia. She was dancing with one of her guys friends. It was adorable, but now I felt even lonelier.

Seeing Lucas with another girl is a different type of pain. My eyes watered, and I softly cried. I leaned on my hand, and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of a chair being pulled out. I opened my eyes, and saw Draco sitting next to me. His turned his chair so he was directly facing me.

"Please leave Draco. I'm not in the mood."
I put my head back down, and cried.

My emotions were everywhere, I felt so incredibly irritated. I lifted my head back up, and Draco was still sitting there.

"I said l-leave!" I cried.
My voice trailed off, and tears dripped out.

"Why are you so miserable?" Asked Draco.
"Why do you think?!" I screamed.

Draco turned his head, and watched as Lucas, and Marissa danced.

"Why are you even here?" I asked.
"Got bored." He said.
I sniffled.

"You look like a loner. Why don't you ask another guy to dance?" He said.
"I don't talk to anyone. And I'm not in the right headspace for dancing." I said.
"Who cares? There's some desperate losers over there. I'm sure they'll say yes." He said.

"Draco, you know how shy I am. Although I wish I wasn't. I don't want Lucas to think I'm some mess without him."
"But you are." Said Draco.

"You're right. I wish I was like Amelia.
So many guys love her. And it'd be nice if Lucas got jealous." I said.

He rolled his eyes and stood up.
He then let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Do you want me to dance with you?" He said.

My crying froze, and I looked at him shocked.

"I spent $4000 on that dress. Sitting here sulking is a waste. And your tears are getting all over it." He said.

"You'd dance with me?" I asked.

"Only cause you look like you're about to have a breakdown. And I have an issue with men who treat their girlfriends like shit." He said.

"But you treat girls like shit." I said.

"There's a reason I only shag girls without going further. I don't want a girlfriend because I know I can't commit. So by only shagging them, they don't expect anything from me.

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