19. Abandoned 💻🧪

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(Amelia's Pov)
December 29th
I was about to show Lily the voice memo, and texts between Lucas and other girls.

I was gonna do it on Christmas, but I didn't wanna ruin the day.

"What do you wanna show me?" Asked Lily.
"You know how I was at Draco's house on Christmas?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She said.
"It's because we were gathering evidence against Lucas." I said.

"Huh?" Said Lily.

"Look at this screenshot." I said.
I handed her my phone, and she read through.

"That doesn't prove anything. You know how easy it is to fake messages?" She asked.

"Okay fine, listen to this." I said.
I played the voice memo, and I watched as her face dropped.

"You believe it right? That's his voice." I said.
She was silent.

"I don't know Amelia. Yes it sounds like his voice, but what if it's another guy faking it."

"Why would a guy fake this?" I asked.
She was silent again.

"Amelia the only proof I'll believe is some sort of video, with his face."

"But Lily, he spoke about how he shags you in a doggy position. Who else would know that?"

"I already told you Amelia. I need something with his face." She said.

I sighed.

"And Lucas and I aren't even dating. So you don't have to find any "evidence" anymore."

(Lily's Pov)
January 3rd
Todays the first day back to school, great.

I was the first one in potions. I'm always early because walking in late is so embarrassing.

A few minutes later, more kids walked in.
Then Draco walked in.

We haven't spoke since Christmas.
I wished him a happy new year, but he didn't respond.

I got up, and sat next to him.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"You didn't reply to my message." I said.
"Happy new years to you too." He said.

"What's your problem? I thought we were sorta friends now?" I said.
"Why would you think that?" He asked.
"Remember Christmas?"

"I already told you, you caught me at a bad time. That didn't mean anything." He said.

"Wasn't it nice though?" I asked.
"Just stop talking." He said.

The bell rang, and Slughorn welcomed us back.

"Alright class, I have a really exciting project."
I love projects.
"It's gonna be a presentation."

"But, it's gonna be a group presentation."
Okay, that's not as bad.

"For the presentation, you and your group members have to "create" your dream potion.

Of course you won't actually be making the potion, but you have to pretend.

In your presentation, you have to include a minimum of four ingredients, not including water. So you guys can decide whether you wanna cut the ingredients, which way you wanna stir the potion, everything.

There are no limits, do whatever you please.

I have the groups created, I will now display them on the board." Said Slughorn.

The board lit up, and I found my name.
Oh god, I felt sick.

I was in a group with three guys.
James, Issac, and Tom.

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