Chapter 18

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 Wanglei had been stuck cycling through various chores and he was beginning to greatly miss just walking aimlessly through the streets

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 Wanglei had been stuck cycling through various chores and he was beginning to greatly miss just walking aimlessly through the streets. The current chore he was stuck in was cooking with the old lady while she told him what he did wrong and what life was like when she was young. Wanglei had sighed as many times as possible but the lady seemed to just talk right through them.

"Now let me tell you, when I first met that Bocheng he was not Lord material. His manners were appalling, his speech dreadful, and yet Qiaohui looked at him as though he were a prince. Perhaps that is why our family is often mistaken as the imperial one. Their children have quite the appearance, don't they?" The old lady rambled.

Wanglei was really trying to appear disinterested, but this old lady really ignored it all. Wanglei had heard from the beginning of her life and was now approaching the story of the Huang family, something Lijie had carefully drilled into his memory after many years. Wanglei was really not looking forward to listening to this story again.

"Oh why it seems like it was just yesterday that I held that little Huixin in my arms. She was so frail and small, I was worried the breeze would hurt her. Now she has grown into a great young lady. Oh, her sisters too. I feel like I must brag about them as if they were my own," the old lady continued. "Speaking of that young lady, Wanglei, where is she? I thought you were meant to be with her, but these last few days it's as though you are guarding me," the old lady laughed.

Wanglei would have answered if he could, but even he didn't know where Huixin was. Sometimes he would catch a glimpse of her before she disappeared in the distance, but he never found himself close enough to call to her. How was he meant to guard someone who was hiding?

Wanglei finally finished cooking with the old lady and was able to leave the kitchen. The guarding salary was not covering all the work he was doing or perhaps he was just too used to how work used to be with Huixin.

Tomorrow I will find her, Wanglei thought as he lay down. He had been saying the same thing to himself for the past few days.

The next morning, Wanglei got ready and went straight to the courtyard where they usually met. He had only been waiting a while when Mingxia approached him. Wanglei already knew what she was going to say and judging by Mingxia's sigh, she knew that he knew.

"Huixin said she is going to spend the day studying so you may take the day off," Mingxia said calmly, but her eyes were glaring just past Wanglei.

Nodding, Wanglei left the residence. He had begun training with Lijie during his ever growing free time. Yet even with all this training, it seemed he was still unable to catch this ever studious young lady.

Wanglei had just made it to the manor when he saw Lady Huang leaving Lijie's study. Lijie stood by the doorway seeing the lady out. Lady Huang had been sending him on more and more missions to watch various ministers in the past days. Judging by the look Lijie was giving him, the two of them had just read over Wanglei's last report.

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