Chapter 15

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The assignment was easy enough, though with the look Lijie was sending Wanglei, he knew there was no room for mistakes

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The assignment was easy enough, though with the look Lijie was sending Wanglei, he knew there was no room for mistakes. It seemed like his time in this residence was slowly being overtaken with missions in the shadows. It was just like he had wanted when he arrived, this was a quick way into the royal guard.

He had promised to make it to the royal guard, how could he hesitate now that he was close. With the ever cold expression he wore, most wouldn't be able to tell his mind was spiraling.

This is too much to think about, he thought to himself. Rather than trying to understand what was happening and make any decisions, Wanglei quickly shut it all down and began walking towards the residence's entrance.

The job was simple, follow some old man and report it. This really wasn't the sort of work Wanglei imagined he would get after all his training. Letting out another sigh, Wanglei began his walk towards the given address.

Wanglei arrived at the modest but clearly noble residence. Ha, some are truly more blessed, he thought as he began scaling a tree that hung into the residence. From the branches of the tree, Wanglei dropped onto the residence wall and began walking.

Peering into each room while avoiding detection was easier than Wanglei had hoped. He was barely concealing himself, let alone his spirit. The guards each had serious looks on their face but never even looked in his direction. It was as though everything in this house was only for appearance, none of it was real or functioning.

Finally catching sight of an old man, Wanglei found a branch nearby which would serve as a good viewing point and seat.

The old man sat quietly alone in the room while surrounded by various papers, letters, and documents. The old man would look towards his marked up maps to his ledger documents and then continue writing.

This is going to get boring, Wanglei thought.

He was right.

The old minister would continue looking back and forth between his papers and write little notes before continuing to scan over his documents. Wanglei had been sitting in the tree for ages and groaned everytime the man would pull out another document. Wanglei had almost let his eyes rest when the minister signed his letter off and began to seal it. Even this process took longer than Wanglei wished.

The old man got up with the letter in hand, his knees and bones cracking after finally getting some use. Then the old man walked out of the room towards the entrance of the residence.

Wanglei took that as his chance to sneak into the study. Jumping off the branch and into the study, Wanglei glanced around at all the papers that now surrounded him. There were documents of all kinds scattered around, maps hung on walls with multiple marks made and areas circled, and the one that gave Wanglei the biggest headache were the ledgers covered in numbers that made no sense to him. Being the Minister of Revenue must be exhausting if this is all the old man does.

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