Chapter 11

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The two finally found their way into a nice looking restaurant and took their seats near the window

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The two finally found their way into a nice looking restaurant and took their seats near the window.

The conversation moved from why Huixin was the teacher to what the rest of the money should be spent on.

It was near the end of their meal that Wanglei noticed Huixin's entire focus was on a lady outside examining multiple shoes at a shop's entrance.

"Wanglei, do you think that lady over there looks pretty?" Huixin asked, her eyes still trained on the other lady. She looked too serious for this question to have a simple answer.

Wanglei looked towards the other lady, but upon looking, he could not understand the question. Her dress seemed lavish, but it was all a bit much and nothing compared to the elegance Huixin's current dress held. The dress was purple and had a pattern of light blue birds along the edges. However the weaving of the birds was crude and they seemed lifeless and stapled along the edges. The lady had her hair done up with plenty of gold accessories that made it seem as though she was attempting to challenge the sun.

Before Wanglei could even answer, Huixin was standing up and preparing to leave.

"Where are we going?" Wanglei questioned.

"To go compliment the lady," Huixin answered while heading towards the door.

"Why?" Wanglei asked while following behind Huixin.

"Because, Wanglei, she clearly put time into her look and beauty noticed must be appreciated," Huixin explained.

Her explanation cleared nothing for Wanglei and he really did not see the need to compliment a stranger for attempting to look good.

Upon approaching the sun mimicking lady, Huixin began to pretend to look over shoes.

"I really like the color of your dress. The purple suits you well," Huixin commented while next to the other lady. "Your hair is quite an eye catcher as well. It makes it appear as though you are glowing," Huixin continued while smiling.

Wanglei scoffed at the words used. Only a noble would be able to find ways to compliment without really complimenting.

The other lady first looked surprised and then her face began to redden before she lowered face.

"Thank you, it took a lot of work," the lady responded shyly. The sun lady was now smiling meekly towards her dress.

"Well, the work shows. Are you looking for shoes to go with that look?" Huixin continued. She began to help the other compare shoes to her outfit and Wanglei tiredly followed the two through the store.

Recognizing the look in Huixin's eyes, he looked for a place to sit while mindlessly fiddling with his jade pendant.

He watched as the two women flew through the entire store and was dragged along when the two continued their search in other nearby stores.

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