Chapter 12

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 Huixin had just laid her head down when a sudden commotion was heard outside

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 Huixin had just laid her head down when a sudden commotion was heard outside. She had almost reached the door to investigate when a guard suddenly barged in.

The scene began to feel too familiar as the guard started shouting towards her and pulling her out the door. Huixin knew it was loud, that there were shouts all around her, but she couldn't hear anything. Her mind was reeling while being blank at the same time.

She could feel her feet running along with the guard, but her mind was no longer commanding them. In a state of emergency, all were to meet at a certain spot outside the residence. As she continued running, she felt her mind slowly come back to her. Huixin was watching guards and servants hurry out towards the safety spot. Her family was most likely there and preparing a defense, yet she felt the need to turn and run the other way.

Without knowing, Huixin had stopped running and began to turn the other way.

The guard that had grabbed her was quick to notice.

"Where are you going? We need to get to the designated area now," he shouted.

Huixin knew he was right, but instead she pushed him off. "You continue, I need to go back. I will head there soon," Huixin shouted before running in the opposite direction.

She gave no chance to argue before she had left and was running against the crowd. She needed to get to the servant quarters.

The scene was terrifying and familiar. Her night robes allowed the cold night air to bite. Her robes and hair fluttered behind her as she ran through the darkened residence. There was meant to be light. Where are the lanterns? Where is the light? Her mind knew there were bigger issues ahead but she could only bring herself to focus on the darkness her home was never meant to be in.

The closer she got to the servant quarters and the kitchen, the quieter it was and the more devastating the scene was. Bodies now watered the carefully planted flora and the pathway had been painted a new color.

Huixin had finally reached the kitchen. Her legs were already exhausted and only a bit of this journey was done.

"Wei popo? Are you here? It's Huixin, we need to go," Huixin shouted. She continued through to the back of the kitchen. A slight clatter was heard in the corner that had Huixin both shaking and drawing near.

"Wei popo? Please be you," Huixin prayed as she reached towards a pan that would have to do for a weapon.

"Huixin? What are you doing here?" and Huixin thanked all those above when Wei Popo emerged from the corner armored with her own pan.

Taking in Wei popo's idea of arming herself, Huixin quickly traded her pan with a large cooking knife before taking the older lady's hand.

"We need to go, someone is attacking the house," Huixin quickly explained.

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