Chapter 10

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 Huixin had woken to find herself alone and Mingxia nowhere to be found

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 Huixin had woken to find herself alone and Mingxia nowhere to be found. How could that heartless being leave her alone now?! Though to be fair, it was almost midday.

Huixin groaned her entire way through getting ready. Perhaps if she escaped through the window again, she would be able to avoid the awkward interaction with Wanglei waiting for her.

How long would she be able to hide from the other? Not long, she thought.

Her hands found themselves on the jade ox she had bought as a distraction the other day. It looked nothing like Wanglei yet it was so clearly him. She tsked at the pendant while swinging it around thinking about how this stupid ox had caused her to run her mouth. She was a professional when it came to keeping her mouth shut, especially when it came to her own secrets.

Throwing herself back at her bed, she continued to groan into her pillow. How could she ever face him again? Why did her mouth have to say such stupid things around him? What was she, a baby complaining of noble life being not perfect enough? This simply wouldn't do. She would just have to kill either herself or Wanglei, whichever she felt when the time came where she could not avoid him.

With a resolve in mind, she tucked the jade pendant in her pocket and began heading towards the window to make her escape.

Just as she had one leg out to freedom, a knock came from her door. She was about to ask who it was before a voice answered for her.

"My lady, are you alright? We were meant to meet earlier, but Mingxia said to head here," Wanglei's muffled voice asked through the door.

That cursed Mingxia, perhaps she would be who Huixin decides to kill instead.

More knocks came at the door. "My lady, are you in there?" Wanglei continued to ask.

Perhaps if she stayed silent and made a run for it, he would leave for today. Nodding to herself about her grand plan, she wasn't given the chance to run before she heard Wanglei's voice once more.

"Apologies, but I am coming in," Wanglei explained while pushing the doors open.

It was right when the two made eye contact that Huixin knew it was now or never. Without a second thought, she took off along the residence's outer walls and towards the busy market streets.

She could hear Wanglei groan "again?" behind her, but she did not plan on stopping before making it to the crowded streets.

Perhaps this would be their new daily routine, she would run the entire day and hope not to get caught. However, the gaining footsteps behind her told her she would get caught too early in the day for it to be called a daily routine.

The shouts of vendors and the footsteps of the market crowd grew louder. She was just about to make it into the crowd, her freedom was so close. Just then, two arms came from behind her and right before she could touch her freedom, she found herself thrown over one of Wanglei's shoulders.

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