Odin:For me, every moment is suitable, as long as I'm with you

Hibiki:(laughing) I love you, Odin

Odin: And I love you, Hibiki. Forever and For Always.

As they descended through the sky of the edge of the world, their love was the light that guided them on this uncertain adventure.

The two began to slow down, a sign that they were almost at the end of the route

Hibiki: Apparently a soft landing is expected

Odin:(disappointed) Ugh, I was starting to hope that this moment would never end

The soft landing was approaching, but Odin didn't seem to want to interrupt the special moment they were sharing.

Hibiki: (smiling) Don't worry, Odin. Even if this moment ends, our love will continue to light our path.

Odin: (reassuringly) You're right, Hibiki. Nothing can extinguish the light of our love. And now, let us face what lies ahead with courage and determination.

With these words, they prepared for landing, ready to face the next phase of their mission.

Hibiki and Odin landed softly on the floating island, joining the rest of the group who were waiting for them. It was an atmosphere full of determination and readiness for action.

Maria: (smiling) You have finally arrived! Everything is fine?

Hibiki: (answering with a smile) It's okay. We are ready to continue.

Freyr: And now the time has come to honor my part of the mission, to lead you to Vanheim, through the Drakkar

Odin: Well, let's get moving, so we can face Nerthus and the Vanir at full strength

The group, now complete and ready for battle, boarded the ship led by Freyr, ready to cross the Drakkar River towards Vanheim. The mission had become increasingly critical, but with Freyr on their side and their fighting spirit intact, they were determined to stop Nerthus and the Vanir.

Odin: (seriously) Our fate is in our hands, but united as we are, we can face any adversity. Onward, to Vanheim, and our final challenge.

Freyr: Yes, father of all!

With these words of determination, the ship began to move up the Drakkar River, leading the party towards their doom and inevitable confrontation with the Vanir. It was the beginning of their latest challenge, and they had to be ready for anything to protect the worlds.

The Symphogear, waiting on the journey to Vanheim, were mesmerized by the spectacle of the sky above them. It was a starry sky of intense and vibrant colors that created a magical and surreal atmosphere. Each of them was left speechless in front of such beauty, and for a moment, the weight of the mission seemed to recede, replaced by the wonder of the cosmos.

Chris: (admiring) I've never seen such a beautiful sky.

Maria: (amazed) It's truly amazing.

Kirika: (grinning) Well, it seems like the sky is on our side today too.

Shirabe: (serene) It is a memory that we will carry with us, even during the battle.

Hibiki: (smiling) Yes, it's a moment of peace and beauty before the storm. We must make the most of it.

The group continued to admire the starry sky, trying to store in all the beauty and tranquility they could before the inevitable clash with Nerthus and the Vanir. It was a time of refreshment for their souls before the final battle.

Symphogear: The Fury of gods part 2Where stories live. Discover now