"What about the 10 percent? That has to count for something!".

"He makes it out of surgery, but his body completely rejects the kidney. I can't take that chance because It will look bad on my part," As a licensed professional, it's not ideal to give your patients and their families false hope, unless you are really certain.

"The bottom line is, I'll do my best for him, however I'm estimating a couple of months to a year he has left. If Mr. Ellis came through here five years ago this would be a different situation".

He has a daughter? What's going to happen to her?

The doctor senses Elaine mind swimming in conflict,"I know your predicament and I spoke with someone and they referred me to a case work worker who should be coming this week. They will judge what's best for the child and her farther. Much as I am rooting for Mr, Ellis, it is better to plan ahead than to prolong the process," she puts a sympathetic hand on Elaine's shoulder as she walks away. The sound of her colorful clogs squeaks throughout the hospital.

Elaine faces the wall, glowering out deep breathes. This was no time to breakdown, Mary need her more than ever, she made a promise to Benjamin. Finding a sense of calm, Elaine instantly recalls something she'd found in Mary's backpack. She digs in her pocket to pull out a white business card. Elaine scans bold blue lettering and reads the name:

'Angeline Morello' Morello & Protection Group law firm. Specializes in legal practices of: family, civil rights, environmental, immigration, etc.

And the digits included. It a sign from above.

This is my only chance.


An hour later, Angeline confidently stride through the hospital corridors-- blond hair swishing from side to side in a low ponytail. She has a steady pace, holding a tray of drinks in one hand and bag of food in another. Her phone and wallet rests securely under her armpit. The clicking of her one inch heeled flats can be heard from a mile away. She passes each room number thoughtfully. Leading up to the last room down the hall, she reads out the numbers to ensure she at the correct room. The first thing she see is a frail looking man sedated and confined in a hospital bed.

That must be the father.

Respectfully, she gently knocks on the already open door.

"Come on in," Elaine yells on the other side.

Maryanne is side tracked the moment Angeline comes in plain sight. It was like she'd seen a ghost.

What is she doing here?

"I didn't want to be rude so I knocked!" She says in a preppy tone.

Straight away, the woman detects Mary's familiar face. From a strangers point of view, it would be as if they were two entirely different species discovering each other for the first time. Her wide eyes are stucked until the girl turns away, breaking the trance. The woman collects herself and place the items on a table. Elaine gets up to introduce herself, extending her hand out to Angeline's now less occupied ones. The older woman admires the younger woman before her. She's tall, beautiful and well dressed. It's almost intimidating, yet she has the kindest of faces you'll ever see.

"I thought I bring you all something from this cute cafe I visited". Maryanne rolls her eyes.

Why does it have to be cute?

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