11. Yandere Principal ☑

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Let it be a peaceful day

You hoped as you made your way to your seat where your friend was already present.

" What's up man " you friend greeted as you sit beside him after putting your stuff.

" Peaceful I guess " I affirmed .

" Y/n—

Just before he could speak your homeroom teacher barged inside the class. His eyes searching until it landed on yours .

" Mr.L/n the principal wants you in his office RIGHT NOW "

You gulped hearing the seriousness in your teacher's voice.

What did I do now ?

Everyone's eyes were on you looking at you with worries and sympathy.

" R.I.P Mate " you heard your friend say as you hesitantly got up to leave for Principal's Office.

Your mind was clouded with thoughts and thoughts. You tried to remember what you did to anger him but nothing was coming out.

You nervously knocked at the door but tensed up when no sound came .

I think I should runaway.

Before you could act upon your thoughts the door unlocked, a thin yet bony arm stretched out , grabbing your collar and pulling you in .

You stumbled a little bit , before you could balance yourself, you were pushed onto the sofa in the office. You winced a little when you fell onto the sofa .


Goosebumps rose all over your body when you heard the door  being locked.

I  am doomed.

Your eyes widened so was the space between your legs when suddenly a foot wearing classy shoes was pressed between your legs , to the edge of couch but closer to your whee-whee .

" Explain me what is this my dear "

Your principal, Ethan L/n said with anger , jealousy and many more emotions laced with it .

A stack of photos were thrown in your direction. You hesitated but pick them up to see what's wrong in them .

All the photos were of you talking to a girl this morning . You remembered , while you were waiting for bus , a girl asked you some direction. Being gentlemen you helped her not knowing someone was about to get jealous.

Your throat went dry when you felt his dark gaze on yourself.

" Darling I can explain"

His eyes softened a little when you called him darling. He loved pet names .

" Explain" he gave you a chance to coax him .

" In the morning when I was waiting for the bus , a worried lady came to me and ask for directions. So I helped her . I promise there is nothing between us . I only love you darling "

You explained while staring into his eyes . Not breaking the eye contact because he hates when you break eye contact with him .

" Hmm....but why are you standing so close to her ? "

Suddenly he grabbed you by your collar and pulled you towards him . Your face only inches away from him . You could feel his hot breath fanning your face . His eyes so dark , it can pull you into abyss.

" You deserve punishment dear hubby "

You gulped. In the next moment you were pushed back . Your shirt which was neatly buttoned was now unbuttoned, giving access to your well built chest .

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